Chapter 9

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(Lucy POV) I held up my hand towards the flames and blocked the attack completely.

"You'll have to do better than that" I said with the words 'Come on' written in magic on my fingers

His whole body was engulfed in flames. "CRISM LOTUS- EXPLODING FLAME BLADE" He shouted and a large attack of fire and lighting came at it

"SOUND DRAGON- FREEZE" I shouted and the attack stopped. Everyone froze while Levy and Wendy cheered me on

"SOUND DRAGON WING ATTACK' I shouted attacking Natsu with beams of purple light. He yelled and fell to the ground defeated

"AND THE WINNER IS LUCY!" Master shouted and everyone stood dumbfounded.

"I think I went to tough on you. I'm sorry" I said as I healed Natsu. I also learned healing from Melody as well

"Nah. It was a fight right?" He said with a slight smile and I helped him up.

We shook hands and everyone cheered. Lisanna looked pissed. Geez, what did I do to her

"That was amazing!" Gray exclaimed throwing an arm over my shoulder. Natsu and Juvias anger could be felt in the air

"How did you learn that? A lacrima?" Laxus asked me

"I trained with a dragon duuhhh" I said flicking Laxus' forehead. Everyone gasped at what I did. He just sighed and walked off

"How..." Natsu asked dumbfounded

"He can't beat up his only sister. That wouldn't be right" I said crossing my arms, smiling slightly

"SISTER?!" They all yelled

"So you remember" Master said walking up to me

"Yep. Nice try for a back story though" I said laughing. Everyone sweatdropped.

"So what? She only beat Natsu. I doubt she could lay a finger on Erza or Laxus" Lisanna said acting like a brat

"Why don't you stop acting like a brat and grow up a little. Maybe you could act like this before around me, but I am a new person now" I said pointing a finger on Lisannas chest.

She took over her hand and scratched me with her tiger claw. My face was bleeding but her eyes widened when it started to heal

"Lesson #1- Sound Dragons can heal themselves. Lesson #2- Dragons have short tempers" I said as the wound finished healing. I used pressure and made her slam into the wall

"LUCY!" Mira and Elfman said running to her

"She attacked me first. And that should only give her a few burises" I said walking away from them. I leaned against a tree and started at the ground.

The Sounds of Flames ~ A Nalu FanficWhere stories live. Discover now