Chapter 17

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(Lucy POV) "Umm..." I said quietly then looked at Natsu. We both saw our red faces and turned away from eachother

"No way" We said at the same time, crossing our arms

The guild got a laugh out of that. I sat back down at the bar while the girls went into their own little world imagining we kissed

"Erza, what came over you?" Mira asked with a smile

"I now understand the matchmaking feelings. Just how you and Lucy felt when she got Jellal here and set us up" Erza said now calm

"Well you didn't have to shout it that loud" I mumbled which got some giggles from the girls

"Come on Lucy, why don't you just tell your feelings for eachother already" Sara said sitting on the counter, next to Wendy swinging her feet

"W...we don't like eachother that way" I said turning red

"Yes you do" They all said at once

"Hmph. Not fair. I can only pair Wendy with Romeo and Juvia with Gray since the rest of you have boyfriends" I said with a sad voice, making all of them but Sara turn a shade of pink.

"J..J..Juvia wants Gray-sama to notice her" Juvia said playing with his fingers

"Alright. Boy advice time. For Gray, this is difficult. 1. Don't call him Gray-sama, just Gray 2. Don't stalk him 3. Keep your cool around him 4. When he does strip, no fangirling" I said with a serious voice

"But that's hard" She wined

"Just try it. I know he has some feelings for you, just keep calm and act normal" Erza said with and slight smile

"Now for Wendy and Romeo" Mira said with stars coming out of her eyes, more evil than nice

"N..N..No!" Wendy said and Mira tried to tickle her. I don't know why though

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