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Henry Russels 

All the sudden Keaton wakes up. 'What the hell!' He try to back away. His heart is racing and even the smell of fear hangs around him.

Only to burst out of laughing this time. 'Relax.' I look at the man. 'We're safe, remember. If there was an enemy, I would've waken you up myself.' I pick my backpack up. 'Get up, you can get breakfast at the packhouse.'

Keaton growls at me. 'Not funny, Henry.'

'Oh, I think it is. Even Tomas' eyes are laughing.' I gesture to the man next to me. 'Do you want breakfast or not?'

Quickly Keaton gets up and takes his backpack from the ground.

'I send someone ahead of us. There will be breakfast for you when we get there. You can even take a shower if you want.' Ken walks to Keaton. 'I'm Ken and the beta.'

Now Keaton straightens his back. 'Keaton.'

'And after breakfast and a shower you can talk to Chase.' Ken walks to me.

I have Tomas on my rightside and Ken to my left. 'I can't wait that long. I need to talk to him in his office.' Yet I can hear other sounds, as a sign that the packhouse is getting closer.

'Very well, take some coffee and I'll inform him that your here.' Ken takes us to the packhouse to the kitchen. Where breakfast is ready for us. Just like a cup of coffee.

Keaton thanks them and starts with breakfast.

Tomas still stands next tome. Taking only coffee.

'Eat some, it's a luxury we don't always have.' I smile to him. 'And after this you can take a shower. Just ask and they'll show you a guest room.'

'Henry, are you coming.' Ken is back already.

Yeah. 'Enjoy the hospitality here.' If we're lucky than we'll have a bed for a change. 'These are friends of mine.' I wink at Tomas and then I follow Ken to the alphahouse. Since Keaton is quite hungry, I know I would do this myself. It doesn't matter.

'Henry.' Chase comes for me before I reach the door of the alpha house. 'Good to see you again.'

I hug him shortly. 'How are you, and Larsyn of course?'

His sky blue eyes get a sparkle. 'Great, and Larsyn won't come out of bed today.'

'Why not?' I sigh. More because I have some bad news for him. 'Can we go inside.'

Chase leads the way to his office. Where he closes the door first. 'Larsyn feels like an eliphant. So, well, she's not coming.'

No wonder. 'Congrats man.' So far the good news. 'However, I have bad news. Sit down.' I can take a seat too on one of the few chairs. 'You know about the Gifted,right?'

He nods. 'Yes.'

I take my phone out. 'Wade Cooper, a hunter, is out on a new hunt. This time there's a Deadpool with names of the Gifted.' I select the photo and hand it over tohim. 'About three days ago I had a meeting with the counsil of the Gifted. How many do you have in your pack?'

'Four Protectors, twoHealers, a Therapist, and my advisor.' He sees the list and his head comes back up. 'Your name is on this too.'

'I know.' I take a deepsigh. 'I'm a Breaker myself. The thing is, I'm here to alert the Gifted and to convince them to leave the pack for the time being.Otherwise, the whole pack is in danger. Even your unborn son.'

A sad look gets to his eyes.'I can't just let them all walk away. Some of them are needed here. Like the doctor, my advisor. Not to mention the Protectors.' Beaten down he leans back in his chair. 'You're asking a huge thing, Henry.'

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