17 2 2

Henry Russels 

That makes most of us laugh. Though, discretion of course. I hold my chuckle as much as I can before I look up. 'Here's the deal.' I begin this time with a smile because of the image that Tanner created. I wonder what really happened with Wade in the past. Not that I will ever find out. 'Either you walk away and let us deal with the rogues and others, who actually are a threat or you continue this... ridiculous mission of yours but then we will hand you over to the police and all the evidence to lock you up as mass murder, a rapist, and a pedophile. You will do no good in jail.'

'In fact, I know someone working in a jail, who would love to do us all a favor and kill his sorry ass.' Austyn smirks with a brow up.

'You have no evidence...'

It's funny to see that some of the hunters took a step back and throw their gun on the ground. They even walk away.

'Get back here!'

'No.' The man shakes his head. 'If you want a fight, go right ahead. Me, I want to see my family. My little girl.' Without hesitation, he turns and walks away. Though, he stops after two minutes. 'Does this mean, that you will leave me alone?'

Collin nods to him. 'Yes, as long as you don't raise a gun at me or my pack anymore, then you're safe.'

Chase laughs. 'He should be happy that he only had to deal with werewolves in the past. It's a good thing that he doesn't know about the others.'

True. I can't help but laugh. I look for Tomas. I don't know what happened here, but hell that I'm proud of him. To be able to talk like that and in front of a group. I can see that his father, Christian stands next to him. Almost like a proud father.

'This is not over yet.' Wade wants to turn around.

'And then what? Wade, you're alone. You're way outnumbered.' Jackson clearly had enough of it. 'Remember that some of us, actually know where you live with your family.'

Wades' face turns red. 'Are you threatening me?'

All the alpha's shake their head.

'No, it's a promise. It's really simple, you leave us alone and we'll do the same with you.' Blake reacts, with Don and Morgan next to him. Like they still expect a fight.

Grumpy enough that Wade leaves. But with a small difference because he threw his gun to the ground.

We made it. And it didn't come to a fight.

'I'm still gonna do something to him.' Cassian runs away.

'Fine, but don't kill him.' I sigh and turn to my mate. To see a couple of clear brown eyes looking back with a yellow-gold color in it. In a few steps, I reach him and put my arms around him.

Smiling Tomas hugs me back. 'I'm glad that you're okay.' He gives me a kiss on my neck.

I lift his head up. 'Where is this all coming from? You talked to everyone here.' My heart just swells up by thinking about it. 'You can't make me more proud than I already am.'

Christian joins us. 'He called me himself and told me that you were in danger because of the Deadpool. When I got here, he was waiting for me.' He smiles at his son. 'We talked for like an hour... To find out that I was a fool for believing that he's responsible. A car accident is not how a werewolf would work.' A sigh escapes under his breath. 'I even called in a favor and the whole case is reopened again. Tomas, you need to stay with me for a while because you were a... I don't know how to say it.'

'A person of interest to the police. By running away, the police will think that you have something to do with it.' I understand how they work a bit. 'When we get there, you should inform the police yourself. Telling them that you will do whatever you can to help them sort this out.'

'But I did leave.' Tomas looks down.

'Because you lost yourself after losing her and that's exactly what you need to tell them. Only then, will they understand why you left.' My father comes up again. 'I guess you're going to Washington first for a while?'

Smiling I nod. 'Yes.' I look in a few bright brown eyes. 'There's someone else who needs me.'

Someone clears his throat. Which turns out to be Declan and Tanner. Who both break me and Tomas apart. 'Alright, let's go. Before you want to tear his clothes and take him right here.'

'Keep it in the bedroom or bathroom but not further.' Tanner pulls a face while getting Tomas with him.

Cody starts to laugh. 'Even the forest is not safe, believe me.'

Not long after, I'm in a guest room with Tomas. On the bed cuddling and hugging. 'Now it's just you and me, Tomas. I'm not going anywhere anymore without you.' I kiss him. 'I'm happy you're in my life.' 

'After Charlotte, I didn't think I would find happiness anymore. But for once in my life, I don't have to try to be happy.' He nuzzles his nose in the crook of my neck. 'When I'm with you, it just happens.' He looks up. 'I love you.' 


And this is the last chapter. Or update, whatever you wanna call it. ;) 

After this, it's only an epilogue and a 'thank you' and that is the last of this story. I hope you like it and don't forget to vote, comment and share it with others. I sure liked writing the story. 

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