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Henry Russels 

'He doesn't know who he is either. Don't turn this around.' Because of someone laughing, I understand we have some warriors around us. Watching this fight between us. I throw my feet up in the air around his neck. To push him to the ground. 'I actually do know who I am but I have my own priorities. Priorities who aren't mine, to begin with. You know why I travel.' I let him go and stand up again. A little out of breath because of our fight.

Declan jumps at me, pinning me down. 'What is this really about, Henry.' He's panting too from our fight.

'The fact that I'm the one to blame for all of this.' With both my arms, I hit him away and give him a head bump. 'I'm the one who created this mess and I have to fix this first...' Two legs hold me on my waist and he pulls me down again.

'What is this about? It's not you, you're not to blame. So don't you ever say that again.' He pulls his legs tighter. 

Really? I hold my breath and stomach, making it easier to get lose from his legs and breaking his ankle at the same time. It will heal. 'You think you know me.'

Declan puts his ankle better and he stands up. 'I think... that you need to... face your past first.' He swallows. Immediately someone throws a water bottle at him.

I intervene quickly to hit it away. 'And then what?' I take a deep breath. 'My past made me for I am today...'

'Yeah, and that's why you run away from your home. Away from your pack. But most of all, you run away from yourself because you don't trust yourself. Otherwise, you would be able to go back and face the consequences.'

I let my fist go straight for his face but I stop at just an inch away from his nose. Though not a single reaction shows. Like he knew I would stop in time. Instead, I spin around and wipe his legs underneath him that he falls on the ground. 'I'm already busy with facing my past. But there's more going on. This isn't about me anymore...'

'Stop doing that.' With a kin up he stands on his feet again. While panting from all this. 'You don't have to save the world. You just have to save yourself and Tomas can help you. So let him.'

I use my shoulder this time to push him over to the ground. 'How can he help me, if he can't help himself?' I catch both his fists and pin him to the ground. 'He can't even talk to me during the day...'

'So what?' He shrugs. 'You think he's doing that on purpose to annoy you? You have your own battles to fight and he's fighting in his head. Trying to find a way to be able to talk to you. To get past the rules that he laid upon himself.'

A movement of his legs and the roles are reversed. But I lift my feet up quick in his stomach to kick him away. 'There's still a fight to come, Dec and you know this. And I'm not talking about the fight between Tomas and his past or whatever it is. Or a fight between me and my demons. I'm nothing but a pawn in a play of chess, and this game is been going on for almost a week now.'

Declan twists in the air to land on his feet. 'And you need to realize that you can't help anyone if you can't help yourself. Only then will you be able to reach out a hand to Tomas, and all the others out there. You are not the only one playing this game with the hunters.'

I get my breathing back under control when I can see Keaton sitting. Quite amused by our fighting.

'I never knew that you two are a match when it comes to fighting.' He smiles but it fades away.'But you forget one thing, Henry.' He points with his finger up.

I follow it and I see Tomas standing by an open window. Well, if he heard it all, let him come down and talk to me. Forget what the others might think or say. It's you and me. However, I turn around and I push Declan out of my way. I'll come back later for my backpack. I'm here for too long anyway. Someone might be dead while I was fighting my friend.


Everything came down to haunt me again from my fight with Declan. About that, I don't want to face my past. Or that I don't have what it takes to go back home. I'm dealing with my power as we speak. I turned a rogue without knowing it. But when I bit Tomas, I didn't realize it until his wound was healed. Sometimes I can still feel his emotions.

The most surprising emotion is love. Just like his heartbreak. He lost someone he loved. And if that's so, then he will never love me like he did with that person. Was that his mate? Then he's lucky to have a chance with him or her. I will never know because mine died before I could meet him or her. And from what I know, is that this with Tomas will be different than with my mate.

I don't know how long I've been gone but now I'm walking back. The fight with Declan took too long. Not to mention that I needed some time to think.

'Why did you waited this long? He's looking for you.' The first thing that Declan says.

While following me upstairs, where I grab my backpack. 'If he would think about it, then he would know I would come back for my bag. Dec, I stayed here too long. There's another one dead. I have to leave.' I take a few things out of my bag to make sure I have everything. 'Keaton! Pack your bag, we're leaving!'

'I'm already done. But shouldn't we wait for Tomas?' Keaton shows up in the doorway.

I look at Declan short. 'He has a choice.' I close my backpack. 'Either he wants to go further on his own, or he can come after us. It's easy to follow my scent, so I don't know why he searching for me. He should let his nose do the job.'

Keaton sighs. 'Tomas also know where we're going. The Wildrose pack.' He shakes his head. 'I know it's not easy between those two, but we need to keep moving. There are still others who need to know.' 

'You really want to leave like this, while Tomas is looking for you.' Declan crosses his arms.

'Who says he's looking for me? Maybe he needs some time to himself as well. It's not that hard if he really wants to find me. We're werewolves.' I put my bag on my back. 'And yes, I'm leaving. I won't say that staying here this long is a waste of time, but I'm losing time.'

Declan's eyes are a bit concerned. 'Just be careful and stay in touch. When he comes back, I tell him that you're on the road with Keaton. He will get mad because you leave him behind.'

'He did that himself. Keaton is still here and he knew I would come back.' I gesture to the man.

Only to see that Keaton rolls with his eyes. 'Yeah, but when love is involved than the most rational man can do crazy things. I have honestly no idea how Tomas will take this. You can surely count on it, that he's mad if he sees you.'

'He knows why I'm traveling. I have to go further.' I walk back down to fill my water bottle and put it on the side. 'Let's go.'

'Don't be a stranger, okay.'Declan gives me a hug. 'And I tell Tomas when he gets back. His backpack is still up in the bedroom.'

I honestly don't know how Tomas will react, but I can't stay here for much longer. 'Thank you.'I pull him tighter. 'For everything.'

'I know.' He smiles when he lets me go. 'Watch your back.' 


I hope you all are doing fine. 

Me, I got sick. I guess it has some pro and cons being sick to upload again and during the day. Otherwise, I would have to wait till later afternoon or even till evening. 

So, just enjoy reading. 

Till next time. ;)

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