Chapter 5: New student

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Tsuna POV ~Next Morning~

Waking up I noticed I had my normal body back, I sighed thinking about who was going to take me to school today. Since last night after dinner we had to make a list for everyday that someone was going to take me to school. Today was Tuesday so Yamamoto should be the one taking me to school today. Getting ready I put on a short green shirt with a white button up shirt with a pale orange sweater over it with a red bow tie around my neck. (The one on the right it Tsuna but if you want her to be in boy version you can choose) Before I walked out the house Reborn called me and gave me a pill bottle and said "Dame-Tsuna don't forget to become little again." I laughed a little when I looked down and saw that I was still in my normal body so I take a pill .Walking out of the house Yamamoto next to me we went to the car. Yamamoto talked to me as we rode towards school and it was fun as Yamamoto talked about how he and Gokudera took the kids out yesterday to play in the park. They might be a little older but they are still little and love to play.

When we got to school Yamamoto smiled and waved at me goodbye as the car drifted away but as I was walking to class I noticed that I left my lunch in the car. Getting my phone out I call Yamamoto but before thee phone ringed once Yamamoto entered the room smiling at me. "Tsuna you forgot your lunch again, I think we might need to attach it to you" I laughed a little at the thought "Thank you Yamamoto-nii see you this afternoon" he smiled and waved me goodbye once again. When he left the teacher walked in with a blush on her face but then she smiled at us and told us to sit down. Today we were going to learn about the power of multiplication. I took my backpack and took out the paper work Reborn put in my bag and started to read over them. When I started to read over them the teacher talked about how 0 multiplied by itself is 0 and so on though most of the kids were not paying attention.

Conan-kun was talking to the other when I met them in the morning, he was talking about a case that he had been to the other day. I smiled and said "Hello everyone I hope you are having a fine day" Ayumi-chan smiled at me and said "Tsuna-chan I'm fine how about you?" I looked at her and said "It was fine but I left my lunch in the car so my Onii-san had to bring it to me this morning. It was very embarrassing when he came and gave it to me" she giggled as I blushed a little and we kept talking. Conan-kun was talking with the boys when he came to a topic that peeked my interest. "I heard that their is a new student coming to our class today" I smiled and said "That's great I hope their nice" Genta-kun nodded and said "I also hope she's a girl" I laughed as Mitsuhiko-kun nodded too.

Conan-kun though was looking at them as if they were dumb or something, I think that is a normal kid for you but I guess you could have different opinions about things. When we finished talking the teacher walked in and told us to take our seats. Next to her was a girl around our age, with short light brown hair and she was wearing black shirt with khaki shorts. She introduced herself as Ai Haibara she seemed so suspicious the way she talked and the way she looked around the eyes I see say 'I have experienced more than you ever will' which probably is a lie but she doesn't know that. When she was told to sit down she sat down behind me and next to Conan-kun we had a seat change a couple days ago. (I know that didn't happen but I need to make a seating arrangement that can make them have some sort of triangle).


After Haibara-chan was settled into the classroom the teacher started to teach so I took out my paperwork and started to read over them just to notice that most were about Hibari-san and Mukuro fighting again. I sighed but kept on writing and approving reports from my guardians but one paper caught my eyes. The paper was not very special  but what it read suprised me, 'The Dark Organization had been on the move but they have lost the scientist that helped them create the pill that should 'kill' someone but it turns out that the pill has different affects, it makes the person that drinks it de-age, we believe it is because the pill is suppose to make the human body de-age until they are dead or increase in age when the pill is in use' I hummed a little and took note on the piece of paper and made a note to remember to tell Dino-san to search more into the situation and tell me who the missing scientist is so we can save her. I looked back at Conan-kun he was looking straight at me I was not very surprised as he still  finds me very suspicious.

Sighing I thought of something that might get me of his case, maybe if I make some sort of false injury maybe he will start thinking of me as normal. I know what I could do I can do the dumbest thing ever and make him think that I really am a little kid. It might work or it will make me seem like an idiot in front of Conan-kun and everyone else but I gotta keep my image up. So after signing all the papers in the stack I put them back in my backpack and start to work with the class. We were talking about 8 x 7 and how it was one of the hardest to remember so I just payed attention for a while. After she was done telling us some multiplication problems she passed out a paper and said that we should work with a partner to solve the problems on the table.

I smiled and was about to ask Conan-kun but then I  saw the new girl Ai Haibara-san she looked sad alone in her seat no one really tried to talk to her she did seem a little serious for a kid her age. So instead of going to Conan-kun I went to her and stopped by the side of her desk and asked "Can we do the worksheet together?" she looked up at me and for a brief moment she looked at me in surprised and then she nodded. I smiled as she left me sit in front of her and together we started to do our multiplication problems.


So guys I just thought of this but do you guys want any pairings in the book if so please tell me and I will try to add which ever one most people say, you can pm me if you want too, I just wanted to ask to see if anybody wanted pairings. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone

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