Chapter 17: Final explanation

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Tsuna POV

It's been a few hours since the fight with the enemy famiglia, I was the only one that was severely injured. Most of my guardians just got some scratches here and there. Conan-kun has been being explained to most of the things that happened. I really didn't want to get him into the mafia but I guess technically he was already connected to the Mafia. I sigh and stretch in my bed. Soon everyone is going to come in and Conan-kun is going to ask me some type of question related to the mafia.

A second after that thought in came everyone, they all had a couple bandages from the fight but aside from that everyone looked fine. Conan-kun moved forward and went right beside me on the bed. He had a bandage on his cheek and some around his legs. I smiled at everyone "Is everyone ok, I hope no one got severely injured in the battle" Gokudera-kun stepped forward and said "Juudaime everyone was accounted for and the only greatly injured one was you..." he said the last words with slight anger. I smiled at Gokudera-kun "It's fine Gokudera-kun as long as you and everyone is safe I'm ok with it" Gokudera-kun sighed and moved away from me.

After that everyone started asking me question about my injuries and if I was ok, I just nodded and told them I was fine. Though some of my injuries did hurt if I moved to much I didn't want them to worry to much. Then came Conan-kun's questions, he mostly asked about the Mafia and things related to the organization that made him take the medicine that turned him into a child. Though I could only answer a couple question about the organization I tried my best to answer them, since that organization was part of the mafia I knew a little about it.

Though as we were finishing off the questions the last question struck me in surprise. Conan-kun was still next to me he had pulled up a chair to sit in while he asked me all the questions he had. He had been looking at me the whole time while asking questions as if his life depended on knowing the answer to them. Then the unexpected question was brought up. "Tsuna-san can I join your famiglia?" everyone who was still in the room looked surprised. The only people in the room were Yamamoto, Rhyohei and Lambo, who were still worried about me and didn't have any work to do today.

When Conan-kun asked the question he was very serious about it. He must really want to join my family but can I let him join the family? Right now he looks like a kid and that might not work, then I think about the Arcobaleno and the thought goes away. Then I thought about his reputation as a detective that could go away if people see that he hangs out with shady people. This was to much to think about when I already have a headache and my everything hurts. "Well um...Conan-kun you'll have to let me think about this since there are a lot of things that to put into you joining the Mafia, you were a detective before this." he sighed and looked at me.

"Tsuna-san right now I'm just a kid even if i joined the mafia right now it wouldn't matter everyone would think I'm joking if I told them. I want to join you famiglia, mostly to find the people who turned me into this but also because....." he started mumbling at the last part. "I really like this family......" he looked down and then back up at me "So please let me join your family, not your mafia!" I chuckled and nodded at Conan-kun. "You where already considered part of this family Conan-kun, even if you didn't notice it yourself everyone here acknowledged you as family" Conan-kun got a slight almost none visible blush on his cheeks and nodded.

I knew he was happy I said that to him though I will have to think about him joining my famiglia later on in the future. Since I do want to help him turn back into his normal age. If I could help Reborn and the other Arcobaleno then I can help Conan-kun now. Smiling I turn to everyone in the room "from now on we will have a mini mission on our hands, we need to find the people who did this to Conan-kun and stop them, since they have somehow not been captured by Vindice ok" everyone in the room nodded at me and Conan-kun nodded. "I will help as much as I can with my detective work" I smiled and nodded.

From this day onward we are going to help Conan-kun and help him back to his original age since he became a part of our family, but now it was just the Kid problem.


That is the end my friends, I hope you enjoyed the last chapter of this book. I know I went a little OOC with Conan at the end but hey just to add a little bit of emotion to the story. It's been pretty fun writing this story so I hope you liked it as much as I did.


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