Chapter 7: Spy kid

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A/n: I would like to tell you guys that I will make this chapter accordding to the story-line and then I will start to skip to big moments in the anime's and/or add my own plot with the story.

Tsuna POV

After the problem with the police I noticed that Conan-kun was talking about how the woman that kidnapped us had some sort of code names for each other. I listened in and he said something about alcohol drinks like Vodca that was the only one I could hear when the Inspector started talking. He was saying that she was a well known criminal that they have been searching for. Sighing I smiled a little to myself since if she was really a part of the organization things could have gotten dirty. After that he started talking to Haibara-san about shooting a gun and how it was dangerous and that she shouldn't do it again. She then started to cry but for some reason I felt as if the crying was fake. Something in my head was saying so, my intuition I bet. So after we left Conan-kun had to take Haibara-san home so I offered to take her home to because she might not be crying for real but there must be a reason why she is crying. Walking on the street I started to say words to Haibara-san so she would calm down but they didn't seem to work. Conan-kun was about to leave as I was going to take Haibara-san the whole way home while Conan-kun went home but before he could leave she said "Apotonix 4869" I looked a little confused at the words. Though the words that she said appealed to Conan-kun he turned around and looked at her in a nervous way.

"What are you talking about?" I asked but she ignored me, my intuition told me to keep low while I was here right now that I needed the information that I will gather here. "That is the drug you took right?" Haibara-san was facing Conan-kun now staring at him in a dark way. "What drug?" she then turned away from him her face as dark as before "It was ordered by the organization, it was the drug I made after all" Conan-kun was shocked. You could see it all over his face, I was about to ask something but Conan-kun stopped me "What no way how do you know about it?" Haibara-san then started to speak but my watch started to beep. Gasping I ran away from them saying a quick good-bye and leaving, this was bad I am about to transform back to normal. Making my way towards an ally I changed back to my grown form, I had a change of clothing in my backpack so I changed quickly before anyone noticed.

Walking out I saw that nobody was near by and headed back to Conan-kun's house, well when he was grown. I the updated info on him say that he is the missing Shinichi Kudo that means he must be pretty smart. Now that I am in my normal form and this close to his house I could sneak in and get some more info that might help me in my mission. Making my way towards his house I sneaked through on upper window unlocking it with a pin. Looking around I noticed that it was abandoned completely and that it looked as if it has not been cleaned in a while. Looking around I tried to find something but it was completely empty nothing of use in here only a couple of books and pictures here and there. Through the window I could see that the house next to me was active and that somebody was moving around the house.

That might be the professor in the files he has lived next to Shinichi for a long time so he might know something I could ask him about things. Sending a bug towards his house I kept searching the house a little more but found nothing so I got out. Making my way out the window again cleaning away any trace that I was here I go next door. Clearing everything off so I look decent I smiled and knocked on the door, OK  I need to ask simple questions that won't give me up. I could lie and say that I'm a detective that's trying to find him or something like that what name should I use though. Sighing someone opened the door I looked down and saw Haibara-san their, I was going to gasped but I stopped myself and smiled. "Um....excuse me little girl is their a parent home?" she nodded and said "Do you need something?" I nodded and said "I would like to speak to the adult of the house please." she sighed, nodded and left. Thinking of names I went with the easiest I could think of...Sora!! I chuckled a little and smiled again when an old man opened the door.

He smiled at me and said "How may I help you....Um?" gasping I blushed and said "I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Sawada Sora and I was here to ask you some questions about the missing kid Shinichi Kudo do you know him?" he nodded smiled. "Yes Shinichi is a very good friend of mine, and you are here to ask questions about him right?" I nodded. "You see I work at the Vongola Company and my little sister told me a friends of hers was talking about a missing detective, she wanted him in real life so she asked me to find him for her" he smiled and me and nodded. "Here come inside its cold outside right now, do you want some tea?" I nodded and smiled at him as a way of saying thank you. Going inside I saw Conan-kun and Haibara-san were looking at each other in a way that I could not read, as if they knew something was going on.

Calming myself down on the inside I started to think of all the ways that I could take this, I could ask Conan-kun questions too but that might seem suspicious to him. He is the person I am asking question about he could tell if I lie about something easily. Sighing I said "Well I wanted to ask questions as to if you know the last place he was in?" he smiled and nodded. "The last time I saw Shinichi-kun was when he was going to the amusement park with his little girlfriend Ran-chan." I smiled and took a sip of my tea and said "Oh ok do you know if he was assoriated with any bad people like people from the mafia or a yakuza?" he shook his head "Nop he never seemed to be in any of those kind of groups he was actually very smart and stayed out of trouble- well most of the time anyways" he laughed a little at the comment and I nodded.

After a couple more questions I told him that it was enough "Well I will have to get going hope you have a great night" I was about to leave the door but before I did I opened the door. "I'm sorry I forgot to ask you, do you know where this Ran lives I would like to ask her questions as well" he nodded and got some paper. Walking back to me he wrote the address of the girl I believe and said "This is where she lives and just to let you know, she is a very nice girl I believe she will tell you all she knows" I smiled and said good-bye again and headed towards my house. This might get a little rough now, Conan-kun knows me in both my kid size and my teen size, I need to get some sleep.

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