Chapter 9: Normal Day

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Tsuna POV

Waking up I looked up at the ceiling only to see a stack of paperwork above me. I sighed and remembered that after telling everyone what to do that Reborn gave me a box full of paper work. Moving my hand off my face I stood up and looked at the clock on top of the door and saw that it read 6:30 I still have a full hours before school starts. Getting up I headed towards my room. I took a shower and got out, going to my closet, I had a towel around my body and I was about to put normal clothing on when Reborn entered my room. I squealed when I saw him and said "Reborn don't come into my room when I'm changing!!" he looked the other way and said "Do you think I care Dame-Tsuna?" I sighed and then asked "So why are you here Reborn? You already know my plan you don't have to keep asking about flaws." he shook his head and handed me my pill. "We improved the pill take this one today and if something bad happens well that's your problem not mine" I sighed and said "Reborn last time you told me that I was a chibi just like you for a week and nobody would take me if they do that now" I mumbled the last part.

He clicked his tongue and said "Dame-Tsuna your are the only test subject we have so you have to drink it if you like it or not" next thing I know is that Reborn has a gun pointed at me with Leon on his hat. That meant this was not a magical bullet that could dress me up magically. I gulped and drank thee pill "There happy now Reborn? I swear if I turn into a bunny person I will kill someone" I mumbled as I went back to my closet and got dressed. As I was dressing, after Reborn left, I started to shrink like normal when I drank the pill but something was wrong. Looking up I stared at the ceiling only to find it very far away. Farther than usual anyways I shook my head and went to the door but when I got to the door I couldn't reach the door at all.

I was too short I looked down at my self and screamed in anger, not this again, I won't be able to go to school like this and Reborn doesn't even care. I sighed when I heard the door open, the person opening it was Gokudera-kun, he looked worried. "Juuidame I heard your scream from my room what's wrong are you in pain......." I looked up at Gokudera-kun and he seemed to look surprised. He turned around and put a hand to his mouth and half his nose and his ears turned red. "Juuidame is tiny again I see....." I nodded and said "Gokudera-kun could you help me with getting downstairs for breakfast please I will need to talk to everyone about this" he nodded and picked me up quickly. I smiled and thanked him while we walked downstairs and he almost tripped.

Getting downstairs I saw everyone there eating breakfast or talking to each other, except Hibari-san he just ate his food quietly away from everyone. Gokudera-kun sat me down in my chair but I could not see over the table, so I stood up but I still couldn't see over the table. I frowned and climbed the table and coughed a little. Everyone turned to look at me and soon looked away a little I grabbed my hair and put it in a bun. "So guys it turns out that Reborn gave me a new pill to shrink and I have shrunk more than usual so I need someone to contact my school and tell them that I will be absent for the time being" Hibari-san stood up and left after that and I sighed. This was so normal to everyone "Ok so is Hibari-san doing that or does someone else want to?" Mukuro laughed and I shook my head.

"Ok next is that we will have to pose-pone the mission and will have to do it later on when I have my full strength since an Illusion is still an illusion my body right now won't handle what I need to do." everyone nodded and I sighed "ok I will be in my office then I still need to sign more paperwork" I then left the dinning room with help of Gokudera-kun with opening the door. I so wished one day it could be normal, but that would be to much to ask. Going inside my office- thanks to some maids that were passing by that opened the door for me- I climbed my chair. This could be a good time to look into Haibara-san's files about when she was in the organization or even now. I opened her files and read her information, from birthday to 'day of death' that was the file of before she was Haibara Ai. When I looked into her new files-made by me on the spot- I had her birth date and facts about her that normal people should not have.


After looking at the files and signing at least a 3rd of my paper work I went to Yamamoto's room. I knocked on the door and waited for him to open the door. When he did he smiled at me and said "Hey Tsuna how are you doing?" I smiled and said "Good I was just hereto see if someone called the school and to see if you were ok" he laughed a little and nodded. "I'm doing fine I was actually pretty happy getting to see you as a kid, and someone did contact the school because we got emails earlier today about it." I nodded smiled. "It's good to hear your ok, I also wanted to tell you that the files were updated today I looked through them and added new things from my own memory" he nodded and grabbed the files I had in hand. I smiled and said "Well bye I need everyone a new set of files see you later, are we still up for the picnic with Gokudera-kun this weekend?" he nodded and waved. I sighed so much work with such a little body.

I was about to knock on Gokudera-kun's door only to hear the door bell ring,I looked at the time and saw that it as 4 now and that school was over who could be at the door. Getting downstairs a maid had already opened the door, I got closer and noticed that there was 4 children. They looked so similar and their auras are also very familiar. When I got downstairs I finally saw who it was. Conan-kun and the Detective boys. Well another job for Tsuna the 'ordinary girl'.

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