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Hello people of the internet! I'm Famdomz_Fangirl (or whatever my name is on here) but my name is Akairia Hikaru!

Please call me Aka!

This is my first time using wattpad so bear with me as I learn about everything. And some of you may know me from my google plus account using my name, so that may make you familiar with my, heh, mad writing skillz!

And my bad spelling but that doesn't matter!

So I think How this works is you comment a vocaloid and I make a one shot of them with you, the reader, as the love interest!

While I wait for people to comment and do their thing, I will am,e up a few myself in different AUs. Please do not hesitate!

I plan on making tons of books for all my fandoms and making them He,my, large, as well as my actual books!

Next page will be the comment collecting thing-a-ma-Bob

But I warn you ahead of time, I WILL NOT DO LEMONS, LIMES, OR SMUT unless I'm in a weird mood and it's that's time of...


Let's get to work, shall we?

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