Len X Reader

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Link doesn't want to work so here it is. My apologies.


I'm like making balls and time periods woth knights and no allt hat crap, so here we go! Also I'm a huge Len X Miku fan myself.


You walked around the ball hiding behind your butterfly mask, a gown tracing your feet on the dance floor. The windows showed pictures one conveyed stories similar to a church's. The gown and mask had the sameness hue, your favorite color. Your hair was tied upwards beautifully as your eyes scanned the scene around you.

A masquerade ball, you loved them. You could attend almost anonymously and nobody would know who you were. A brilliant concept, perhaps you could meet with its creator one day? One day.

You dance with a few men who honestly either bored you or only wanted to know if you had a fortune to your name. You recall one of them wearing an eggplant color during ponytail with a lavendar tie hanging from the color of his white dress shirt and he wore khakis and a purple mask. Another had blue hair and a black tuxedo wearing a bright blue mask to match his hair's hue. Another was blonde woth bandages covering his eye, he seemed a bit too young for you and his outfit resembled a sailor's. The main thing that distinguishes himself is the tiny bird perched on his shoulder. The last one and most recent one you met tonight so far was a boy with red hair and his face was completely covered. He was the gold digger. You could sense it about him.

You hang around the punch table politely when a blonde haired boy asks for a dance. "Someone a song lovely as yourself shouldn't be alone on this dance floor." You were tempted to roll your eyes at his pickup line, but yet for this one you wanted to giggle. You made no response but a light smile as you take his hand politely and he escorts you to dance.

His yellow, golden mask covers his face up to his upper lip and his lips curled intoned a smile a smirk he danced with you. His outfit was a fancy white trimmed with gold and a small golden bow tie at the center of his neck. It was charming, and cute at the same time.

You spent the rest of the night with this mysterious man and you grew very fond of him. You may have only known him for a night, but it was love at first sight.

And cheesy and awful ending, sorry! And it doesn't exactly go with the song.... grr.

But I hope you enjoyed and a thing about my writing.

I change styles every time I go in spurts. Like I went to school and came back woth a different writing style based off of how my day went.

I also come home late on Wednesdays.

Hope you like it and please comment some requests!


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