Kaito x Reader

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I was writing this one and it deleted itself. Booo! Now imma save after EVERY paragraph, making it longer to write! 😡

But here we go with a Kaito x Reader! I'm also grateful for the fove read  I haven and am surprised that I even have that many!

You look at your watch trimmed woth your favorite hue while your tied back hair flew in the slight and humid summer breeze. Your brightly covered orbs stared at the digital time on the electronic. Eight minutes until noon. It was a hot summer day, the equinox in fact. 'Hey, why don't I get some ice cream?'

You slightly hasten your pace but keep it steady and slow. It may Be dreadfully Hot and humid, but that won't stop you from enjoying a wonderful day. One foot in front of the others, you kept going in the direction of the nearest ice cream parlor with directions from your handy dandy Apple Watch on your wrist. You had headphones plugged into it and you were blaring your favorite song in your ears. It was by your favorite voacaloid too. You have no clue how or why you we're attracted so much to the blue haired, ice cream loving, blue scarfed, amazingly hot man. But you were.

As you were perambulating  through the town something crashed into you. Or rather, someone  crashed into you knocking you to the ground and your earbuds flew across the plaza and you're apple watch automatically turned off the music because the earbuds were pulled. A blue fabric covered your eyes, making you too tmeperarily blind to the world around you.

You tried to open your colorful eyes but you saw nothing, so you kept them shut. You're hair was scrambled on the floor and everywhere, you could feel it on your neck and shoulders. 'What is going on?' You think to yourself as you feel the cloth being taken up form your face and you gasp and your eyes expand to see who it was, ironically.


You bite your tongue to prevent from squealing, shrieking, fangirling, etc. 'How is he here? Why is he here? How lucky am I? Oh my god he's hotter in real life!' In reality, you both are just staring blankly at eachother. Then he started apologizing, sitting up right in front of you without contact. "Gomennasai! Gomennasai!" He Bowden And did the hand thing. 'Kawaii! Hmm, what if he wanted some ice cream. It is cannonly his favorite... but I have to play it cool, chill, jus liek the ice cream.'

"No need to apologize, Hey. I was going from an ocean cream run, wanna come with?" He looked at you and blinked. His eyes staring into your own. 'How can he be this hot and cute?!' Your face flushed a tad woth the thought and his face curled into one of those smiles a child,d s when their mother agrees to go to Disneyland. "HAAAAAI!!!" He wraps his arms around you for a hug, despite just meeting you in an awkward way. You blush from it and lead him to the ice cream parlor woth the help from your device. But you never got your headphones back.

You talk to him there's and you end up spilling that you were a huge fan of vocaloid and he was your favorite. Let's just say the music application of your watch was no longer needed.

So that was it! And I'm still waiting on requests! Boo. I made this freely and I try to update frequently. 

Like it? Please comment below! I hope I did the Japanese words right. STUPID GOOGLE TRANSLATE!!! XD


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