Kaito x Reader

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Kaito is still my most popular stories! Lord oh mighty how many Kaito fangirls And fanbois do I have reading my thing?!

Oh well, before my I begin I am obligated to ask for requests, I'm running out of my own ideas and I will need to start using some of yours soon!

And sorry about all my awful spellchecks.

You take a lick of the frozen treat in front of you. The sun beated mercilessly down on your back and the vanilla goodness of the content was dripoign onto your tongue, needing the thirst quencher to work its magic. Ice cream, perfect for a hot sunny day liek this one. Why did California summers have to be so cruel?!

You try to shrug off the Heat in your minty green tank top and short shorts, which secretly were also swimsuit bottoms. You wore a swimsuit top instead of an undershirt unde the tank top you wore a shirt a coverup. It was a wonderful thing you lived near the beach.

The vanilla cream that was frozen beofre received was melting fast so you hadn't to swallow the rest and bite off the cone encased in chocolate made from waffles. SO good. You could have another, you could really go for it. 

You get in line to the ice cream truck stationed on the white sand next to the ocean as you see a vaguely familiar bluenette in front of you in line. He was eager, that was certain. The  it hit you like a bus. 

Kaito!? But how was he here? And why?! You were in California, during summer for pete's sake! Why woud, a vocaloid, who sint even real, be at the beach at this particular time and in this particular location?!

Ah, screw logic. It's Kaito. Speaking of logic, you start getting the song No Logic stuck in your head. But Kaito was in front of you. What do you say to him? DO you talk to him at all? Do you fangirl? Oh, not that. You were already figuring a nosebleed considering he was in his swim trunks. But he didn't ditch his signature scarf though.... Most peculiar.



He turns around to meet your eyes. WHY WAS HE SO MUCH HOTTE RIN REAL LIFE THAN IN THE RYTHYM GAMES!!! You had to really fight the nosebleed now.... Those abs....

"Hey, yeah... I'm a huge fan so can I just...."

You reach for your phone in you right purse and pull it out. You gesture to it. He smiles and wraps his arms around you and making jokes a smile as you hold it out in front of you both. 

"Say ice cream!"

He gasps in excitement, knowing that is his cannon favorite food. His childish grin surprised you and made you quickly think about how cute and hot he was arm the same time.

"Ice cream!"

You snap that photo and a few more of you two making crazy faces. It felt like, you knew him for an eternity. He then treated you to some ice cream and you had fun under the sun in the ocean. 




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