Kaito x Reader

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My most popular one shot Is of Kaito so im making another of him!

Song inspiration above (if it lets me) gah never mind, it doesn't work on my stupid iPad!

Here is the song link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gFmOLqxcFUM

I want to be with you

Those words ring in your ears as you roll along through yet another dreadful school day. You hate your homeroom because of all the bullies. They hate you and call you names.

"Weeb!" "Anime Nerd!" "Whale Weeb!" "Fat Fiasco!" 

The name calling and teasing would never stop. Not since you're best friend became his girlfriend. She used to be your most trusted buddy, but now she is one of your worst enemies and predators. And worst of all  she knew everything about you.


Even your obsession with vocaloid and your crush on the bluenette, Kaito.

Someone's wish brings me to life, at last it's finally that time of year. Woth the magic of winter's I can move, I am a snowman.

Winter break, you wished for it yet it was so far away. A week at Mayusosun high felt like an eternity in hell. 

You hated your fat body, mop like hair, your somewhat tanned skin, everything about yourself you just wanted to go away and be perfect like your so called friend. Maybe then you could be accepted.

You plug in your phone as you play the song plaguing you're mind. Listening to the ice cream loving android (or humanoid, whatever) always calmed you down. Snowman... it made you long for winter so you could cuddle up to your Kaito plush in a fuzzy blanket and warm socks with some hot cocoa and listen to some wintry song songs like White Snow Princess and of course, Snowman.

You Lean agains tthe wall and slide down to the floor of the room. It was your free period, so you could, do whatever you wanted as long as it was school appropriate. Your school was laid back. You watched the whiter hair of the bluenette bounce on his animation video of the song.

'If only... if only he were real...'

You sign and watch the video. A strange craving for vanilla sweeping over your tastebuds. A chill shivers down your spine. Suddenly and paranormal, the song rewinds.

Someone's wish brings me to life.

You strike this as odd as it keeps repeating the same line over and over again. The English subtitled version  of your favorite song appearing to send you a message in that specific lyric.

Soneone's Wish brings me to life. Someone's wish brings me to life. Someone's wish brings me to life.

Your wish brings me to life.

You flinch at the sudden change of the words at the bottom of the YouTube video change along with the japanese of the voice. 'Wait, What?!'

You look up and meet with two sapphires full of kindness and warmth as the area around you felt frostbittenly cold. 'It can't be....'

"Konichiwa. Watashi wa Shion Kaito."


Soba no itai yo. I want to be with you.

"Kaito. Do you...."

"Hai, I know you and why I'm here."

"Here for What reason?"

He looked at you and smiled. The song replayed the lyric again. The modified one.

Your wish brings me to life.

It made sense in a weird, anime way. Your desire to have company created him and made him real. It felt like a movie, like a dream. You shook your head slightly as a goofy grin swept over your entire face.

"You're real... No way..."

You rushed at him with a hug and tears eyes. You didn't care if he didn't know you, the fictional vocaloid has been with you so much and was such a big part of your life, you didn't care. But he did know you. It was lie, he was watching you through the screen. 

He made you happy, for the first time in your whole high school career.

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