Oliver x Reader

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Okay  so that's how you change font, good to know. Heads up, all author's notes are in bold print. Now if only I could wrap my head around that cover thingy.... oh well. I guess now you can guess my favorite vocaloid! And every xreader is straight. Sorry for you LGBTQ+ peps out there!

Also, you may be able to pick up on an AU in my stories, even if it ain't requested. Like I will use a song as inspiration etc. I will try to make one a day! At least! Here we goooooo!

You wake up drowsy woth your hair a mess, it's color invisible due to the darkness of the room. Your eyes focus into the dark. You look over at the mini table beside your bed. 'The clock, so it wrong?' You think to yourself because it read only one thirty seven in the morning. 'I never wake up this early.' You lose all sense of tiredness as if you and a drink of coffee. You sign as you stretch out your arms and begin the day about four hours early.

Your computer, only across The Whole room, had a lamp next to it so you could work without straining your eyes. You may be a child, but you still enjoy making YouTube covers for your favorite singing programs, vocaloid.

You stumble around in the darkness, trying to feel your way to your desk And the lamp. You were hopeless in the dark. Your hair falling in your face getting in your mouth, nose, and underneath your eyelids. Your hands move over your dresser and carefully above your complete set of vocaloid miniature figures. You and Kaito, Len, Rin, Gakupo, Luka, Meiko, Fukase, Neru, Miku, and the list goes on. But you didn't have your favorite vocaloid ever, Oliver.

Oliver was the twelve year old, English singing Voclaloid with bandages over his eye from Britain with a pet bird James. You loved his music and the sound of his voice. His songs were amazing! But Alas, in America vocaloids doesn't nearly get enough attention and admiration it deserves. And the people only know lf the main six. It's sad to you and it makes you sigh just thinking about it. Nobody in school knew of Oliver or Fukase or Gakupo or Neru. So you had to go onto the internet to be able to talk about your passions.

While thinking of this, you make it to your computer desk and turn on the lamp without  skipping  a beat. The computer turns on and you stick your headphones in. 'It's go time.' You click on several buttons and open several tabs to get started, playing the instrumentals to the song cover you are making in the background. Romeo And Cinderella Oliver ver. You were surprised at all the requests for that song there were. Then again this vocaloid was the one that sung the song called Gay Sex.

You work for hours on end  and you do finish eventually. But it was at about six in the morning a nd you were already alte getting ready for your school. You were about to turn off the computer when you heard someone protest. "Noooo! Please don't do it!" You look around for the voice who said that but shrug it off as you reach for the power button again. "Please don't  turn me off!"

'Turn me off? Is it...' You turn to the computer screen to see a Chili Oliver won't a tiny bird rested on his shoulder. His bandages tight over his eye and in shin cute little sailor suit. "Oh. My. Cuteness...." You manage to spit out of your breath as you look at the tiny vocaloid crawling  out of the screen and onto your desk. He was about the solemn of your palm.

"Please let me come with you!" The Little vocaloid bowed, dropping usinhat and it made you giggle. You grab the tiny hat and place it on his head with your index finger. He had pink tainted on his innocent cheeks. "Let me sing a song for you!"

You sat back down as the tiny animatronic-like abiotic being sang your favorite songs for you. Let's just say you missed school that day.

Crap, it is really bad. I wanted it to go better but it is always good in the beginning but getting worse and worse. 

I'm glad I wrote one tonight and in the morning I may write a few more. Sorry if I spell things wrong or bad and if I mess up. Spellcheck, am I right?

Hey, I'm still learning!


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