Len x Reader

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You take the yellow fruit and peel it backwards with a grin. It was your favorite vocaloid's favorite food so why couldn't it be yours too? You Take a bite into it and gag. You forgot how revolting it was to your tastebuds. No matter, you could forcefully make yourself like it or something. Len was your favorite, eh sung the best songs EVER!!!

You put the banana in the conpster and sigh. Your mother was out and your father had been dead for a long time. You miss him sometimes but you knwo he is in a better place. 

You sit down and ponder and imagine scenarios that are too good to be true. You love to do this but it gives your hopes up. Yeah, lie, fictional characters could come to life and take you out of the misery that's was the cold, cruel reality and wispmyou off into some storybook ending wher syou love happily ever after...together...forvever...

You put yourself in a daze as you imagine your own Cinderella story where len was your Romeo. Wait, wrong fairy tale, but it works in a sense because of the He song Romeo and Cinderella. Your favorite version was of course, len's.

You hear a crash form the kitchen Andy sit up from the couch. Wait, how did you get there? Must have been during your zone-out. You look around and see a small hint of yellow ducking behind the counters. Curious, you stand up and walk over there to see the kawaii Boi you know and love.


He chuckles and rubs the back of his neck. 

"I wanted to surprise you, (your name)-Chan..."

"You know me?"

He smiled and hugged you. He said something along the lines of 'your my biggest fan' or somethign liek that's but your hearing was tuned out because you were in complete disbelief. It COULD happen?! So wasn't this the part where he taked you away into a world of imagination?

Or was that just your imagination?

He takes your hand and brings you to your own room, where your wallpaper off Len is changed to some sort of mystical portal of sorts. He nods for you to go in. You were right. You happily enter the portal where you become a a voclaoid program and cannonly go out with Len. This was your happily ever after.

Vocaloid x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now