Oliver x Reader

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Music was balrimg in your ears in the cafeteria so you couldn't hear anyone or anything else. The volume was on max so you didn't have to hear the annoying kids in your junior high school. You may just be a thirteen year old seventh grader, but you hated a lot of people you got stuck with. Ecspecially in lunch and in Choir, as well as theater. So much for a good first day.

Time is dead and gone, show must go on, it's time for our act.

You listened to Every Oliver cover uploaded to YouTube at least seven time and you put them all in a like do playlist. Circus monster was next and beginning itself. Why couldn't Oliver be real? Or any of the vocaloids for that matter. Maybe one of them would actually accept you for you.

The song went on and you are your food alone in the loud noises started to seep into your ears over the music. You sighed and attempted to turn up the volume but to no avail. It was already on max. Maybe just a louder song? You switch it to Oliver's version of the lost one's weeping and let the rock music of the background cause the voices to fade. You let out  abreath of satisfaction as you took another cheezit and popped it through your lips And began chewing.

Lunch was almost over, about three minutes left. Perfect, you and time for one more song and since it was the Halloween month, you put on Oliver and fukase's version of Trick and Treat.

Come on in, come on in 

You close your eyes, finished with your meal as you listen to the music and it alone. After it finished you put up your phone, seemingly to have a few seconds left to gather your things before having to head to the dreaded math class. Bur you were good with numbers, you loved math and science. But you were awful at languages so you despised that class as well as literature and language arts. Even though those last two are included on one class.

You find your way into the algebra one room, the most advanced math you could possibly take, and sit down at the front of the room. This was one of your rare classes you genuinely enjoyed being in. You look at your desk and set things up along with your own calculator when a boy sat beside you, your age. You thought you would be the only seventh grader here. You turn to him and gasp.


"Ah, you do know me!"

He had a smile that warmed your heart right up, melting the cold ice around it that was called being a teenager. Either that or fake angst.

"How are you here?!"

He giggled liek a schoolgirl, which you were and he was a schoolboy.

"That's for me to knwo and you to find out someday."

You roll your eyes and laugh quietly, the first time you smiled and laughed at all today. Yep, math was going to be your favorite class.

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