Fukase x Reader

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I don't know him that well so I had to take quite a few creative liberties. 


Grrr! 😠😤😡

Your palm held your mouse and guided it across the pad. You gently click the right side on the surface of it to get the computer to do you're bidding. You held up several windows woth research, translations, and background music. You also had a camera ready to record sitting now where you're chest was leaned forward to set up.

"This is going to Be perfect! I'm gonna record this, send it to Akuno-P, and get a job working for vocaloid!" 

You giggle and fangirl with glee at your own overactive imagination with the best case senario of this contest you discovered online while listening to your favorites English vocaloid, Fukase.

The contest was to sing your favorite vocaloid song and send it in to one of th many artists to get a voice acting job for vocaloid. Or something along the lines of that concept. You were giddy with your hair done up all nice and pretty with only a hint of makeup to bring out your proximity like eyes, shining their respective color vividly.

You stand up from the desk, the music just ready to play with a click of the mouse and you had the translated lyrics pinned up on the wall. You hadn't to sing in Japanese for the contest to go swimmingly, and the son was in English. As it tended to be with Fukase's wonderful singing and work. 

'If only (best friend's name) was here, then we could do Trick And Treat as Oliver and Fukase! Our favorites!'

You turn on the camera and introduce yourself before reaching over to play the music. You tapped your foot to the first beat and slowly got into the song, pouring your heart out with each individual sound of consonants And vowels in the forgin language to your own specific tounge. 

Once my It was done you did a traditional Japanese bow to the camera and shut it off. You smiled and cheered to yourself as you had completed it and only could anticipate the best outcome. No disappointments even crossed your mind from happening because of your overconfidence and great desire.

That's when you heard some clapping from behind you, from the computer desk you turned around from in your cheering. Reluctantly, you turned to meet one humane eye and one satanic eye staring back at you. You didn't Require a full body check to figure out who the boy was, seemingly who came out from your moniter.


He shrugs with a smirkish grin as you hug him before realizing you did such. He was taller than you, surprisingly. Either that or you were much shorter than you thought. Or on your knees somehow.

"I know you listen to my music and all, but this is ridiculous!"

So many cliché questions crossed your mind but you shrug them off. Your idol and favorite vocaloid, not to mention fictional Cush, was standing in front of you and you were wrapping your arms around him liek the plush you hadn't hidden under your sheets on your bed.

"Hey, was my singing good?"

"Good, you successfully and accurately translated one of my songs and sung it with memorization... almost.... on camera for a judge to speculate to see if you can or cannot get a job working for my creators. Of course it was good!"

He wasn't acting like you expected him to, but he wasn't one of the main, well known vocaloids with a definate and cannon personality. Prime example being Kaito. He patted you lie, a younger sis tear and a dog on top of your noggin and you blushed proudly. 

'Hey, since when is he more mature than me!?'

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