Chapter 2

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~Jinxx’s POV~

It had been a while since I found out about Sammie’s death now...I just felt numb. I have cried all my tears, there are none left. I refuse to talk or generally come out of the bedroom. I don’t care if it’s not healthy, some fucker killed Sammie, with his goddamn car.  Ashley was trying to coax me out of the room with fun things that he knew that I liked to do. But I can’t. I can’t do it, it’s not fair on Sammie if I’m having fun while she’s dead.

I could hear Ashley walk into the room and I tensed up slightly. Please don’t try to make me talk.

“Hey, baby~” Ashley said gently, sitting on the bed beside me. “It’s dinner time~”

I shook my head slightly, and Ashley’s lips tugged downwards but he seemed to force the smile to stay on his face.

“Come on~ you need to eat something, please Jeremy...” he begged.

“D-don’t call m-me that...” I muttered the first thing I had said since the day I found out about Sammie’s death.

“Sorry...but at least you spoke~”

I nodded slightly and shifted closer to Ashley. “I just didn’t want to speak...I feel numb...and I shouldn’t be having fun when she’s dead...”

Ashley frowned a little, “It’ll get better...and you should be having fun, she wouldn’t want you to be this sad, she would want you to carry on with the band and get it moving and go do fun things...I know for a fact that she would want to you to do all those things because she’s your best friend and wouldn’t want anything bad for you~”

I nodded again, “I guess so...but I just feel really sad...she didn’t deserve to die...”

“I know baby...but it was her time...they called for her...”

“Yeah...maybe...” I curled into Ashley’s side, holding back tears that threatened to spill.

Ashley rubbed my back gently as I bit my lip, refusing to let myself cry, I had cried enough.

“What’s gonna happen when we go back to school after the holidays...? I mean...I know it’s only one year left but still...” I asked quietly, looking up at Ashley.

He shrugged a little, “I don’t know...but we can brave through it...and then maybe the band will be more successful...we can tour the world, and have fun~” he smiled gently and kissed my nose.

This action caused me to blush while I nodded at his answer. “Yeah...that will be fun~ I can’t wait~”

~Ashley’s POV~

The summer had passed fairly fast, Jinxx was...happier. I guess, so what was good. His mood was soured by the thought that we were going to school again. We were both currently sat on the school bus, because my bike was getting fixed.

The bus was...noisy to say the least. People were shouting, throwing things. Everything was mostly aimed towards us. I guess they’re not scared of me anymore. That’s annoying. Oh well, I’ll have to deal with it, at first everyone liked me but since I apparently joined the ‘Emo’ group. I’ve become ‘uncool’.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they started picking on me to be honest. Only problem is that I don’t deal with bullying very well. One time I locked myself in my room and ignored the world for about 2 weeks. I didn’t eat that much in the space of those 2 weeks. Luckily everyone gave up trying to get me to come out after the first week was up. We had moved later that year, because basically, I couldn’t handle it. I was too stressed, nervous, I had a slight case of paranoia and I was depressed. But I’ve recovered. I have come far since then.

“Hey fags!” I heard someone yell, but I ignored them, holding onto Jinxx’s hand tighter. He wasn’t picked on much anymore; I guess they got bored of him. He’s safe with Jake, CC and Andy though.

I felt something hit the back of my head. I grimaced and slowly turned to look at the person. Wow they say the least, bigger than me, and stronger. Please don’t tell me that he’s going to haunt me during my last year of high school. I wouldn’t be able to deal with that.

“Yes?” I answered, rather rudely, which I regretted once I saw the look on his face. I’m in for it when he gets the chance. Shit....this isn’t good.

“Don’t talk to me in that tone.” He spat, turning away. I guess he couldn’t be bothered with my face anymore. Oh well.

I looked to Jinxx and pecked his cheek quickly as the bus pulled up to the school. “I’m sorry, sweetie. I don’t like it on the bus either...” I mumbled to him.

Jinxx nodded a little and stood up, I followed his lead, standing up as well before starting to walk out of the bus.

Once we were out Jinxx and I headed towards our homeroom, we would be getting our time tables and hopefully we all had the same classes. I mean, that would be great. Once we entered homeroom our homeroom teacher, Mrs. Light, handed us our timetables and smiled at us. She knew about our relationship and didn’t care. She supported it, probably the only nice person in this school excluding Jinxx, Andy Jake and CC.

We took our seats at the back of the room and I looked over mine and Jinxx’s. Most of our classes were together, apart from History. We didn’t have that together; it was at the same time but different teachers, which was annoying. One of the guys will probably be in that class if not that, then most of them.

AN:// Sorry about it being short...I only had this written and didn't know what to do with it, so I guess I'll just post it. I'll try to update every weekend, or couple weekends if possible.

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