Chapter 3

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~Jinxx’s POV~

We sat in silence, listening to music together. Just any random song that came on, as well as a couple from our band that we had created with Andy Jake and CC. We only had a couple songs though, Knives and Pens and Morticians daughter. Only 2, but I thought that they sounded really good. But my opinion didn’t matter that much to be honest, I was still rather quiet at band practice, the only noise I made was with my guitar, or singing backing vocals because Ashley had half convinced me that I was good at singing.

When the bell rang, we stood up to go to our classes and the earphone fell out of Ashley’s ear. He pouted at me causing me to chuckle before we picked up our bags and headed off to Music. I love music, we have it first and last period today.

When we entered, the guys were all there too, and the room now had a drum kit, that’s good, the school might let us use this room to practice in after school.

“Hey guys!” I heard Ashley say, loudly, as we sat down beside them.

“Heya!” Andy replied, grinning at Ashley. He always seemed to be pretty close to Ashley whenever he could...and sorta flirty.  I shouldn’t get jealous though...if Ashley wants to leave me for Andy, so be it. But I will still be very upset.

Ashley had grinned back at Andy before turning to talk to CC. And I’m pretty sure I saw Andy shoot me a glare before turning to talk to Ash and Cee.

I sighed and looked down at the ground, fiddling with my fingers. I felt a gaze upon me and I glanced up to look at Jake, he was sitting beside me.

“You okay?” he asked, he sounded a little concerned.

“I guess so...I don’t think Andy likes me though...”

“How not?”

“Well...he keeps glaring at me, and getting really close to Ashley. I don’t know if I’m being paranoid or not though...”

Jake nodded a little, “Well I would say you might be paranoid...but I’ll watch Andy and see what happens and everything. Besides, I don’t really want him to like Ashley...for your benefit of course, I don’t like him, you know who I like it’s just that, you don’t deserve any more shit than what you’ve already gone through.”

I smiled faintly, “Thanks Jakey, and yeah...I don’t want to go through it either. It’s really crappy. But whatever.”

Jake shrugged a little and hugged me for a second or two before pulling back, turning his attention to the teacher who had just started to talk.

He was telling us that we had to cover a song, and learn it off by heart. On whatever instrument we wanted to, within reason of course. I didn’t know what one I would do yet though...maybe one by sleeping with sirens, I liked their music, it was calming, well some of them were.

I think I might do If I’m James Dean then you’re Audrey Hepburn. I really like that song. The teacher told us to go start working on it; I don’t think he wanted to teach today. He seemed tired, oh well. I turned to our group of friends and listened to what they were going to do.

Ashley was going to sing this song by All Time Low called ‘I feel like Dancin’’ it sounded cool, he was going to accompany himself with a guitar of course. Jake wanted to play something heavier, but I don’t think he had decided yet. CC wanted to drum to some dub step sorta music, sort of weird but it’s his thing, just like I listen to classical music.

“I’m gonna sing ‘If I’m James Dean then you’re Audrey Hepburn~!” I heard Andy say, rather loudly, guess I can’t sing that song then. I bit my lip and looked out of the window, zoning out of the conversation.

It doesn’t matter, he can sing it if he wants to, it’s not fair of me to take things like that away from him, especially when he’s a lot better at singing than I am, and way better looking. Not that I liked him like that though, I love Ashley, but Andy does look a lot hotter than I do.

I heard him joking about how I would probably compose some ‘classical piece of shit’. This caused CC to laugh a little, he liked me as a friend I think, but we weren’t really that close to be honest. I wasn’t close with anyone in the band apart from Jake and Ashley. Jake’s my best friend and Ashley, my boyfriend.

I continued to think about what song I could sing, and accompany myself to, possibly. I still wanted to do a Sleeping With Sirens song. I liked their music a lot. It was nice, and calming. I might do either ‘Stomach Tied In Knots’ or ‘With Ears to see and Eyes to Hear’. I liked them both. Stomach tied in knots was more about love, and with ears to see and eyes to hear, it was more about fake friends I guess, talking about lying and arrogant people. I don’t know if I deciphered it properly but I liked the concept behind the song.

I think I’ll probably do ‘With Ears to see and Eyes to Hear’. I felt someone nudge me and I looked round to look at Jake. “Mhm?” I asked, sounding very uninterested.

“I was wondering what you were gonna do? You never said just turned away and looked out of the window...”

“Oh, sorry. I guess I did. But anyways, I’m going to do ‘With Ears to see and Eyes to Hear’ by sleeping with sirens. I like that song...I get that you probably don’t but I don’t know if that really matters.”

“It doesn’t matter if I’m not as fond of it as you are, it’s your choice Jinxx. And I think it will suit your voice well.” He smiled at me and I returned the gesture. “I think I might do a song by Pierce the Veil. Hell Above, or Hold On till May?”

“Hell Above!” I said, very quickly, I actually liked that song a lot. The lyrics were nice to listen to.

Jake laughed a little, “Okay~ I’ll do that one. For you.”

I grinned at him, although it was slightly forced. “Good Jakey~” I teased.

He rolled his eyes, “You wanna come to my house later and we can work on the songs? I have spare guitars that you can use in my studio.”

I nodded quickly, “Sure~ I don’t think me and Ashley would be doing anything anyways.” I cast a sideways glance to him and Andy and CC. Andy was hanging all over Ashley. Touching him, not in a sexual way of course, just touching his arm or leg or whatever he could at that point in time.

I turned away before I annoyed myself any further. “Oh...” I heard Jake murmur.

“He’s hanging all over’s not’s like he doesn’t want me to be happy.” Andy knew that Ashley made me very happy and had helped me through a rather rough patch in my life and now he’s hanging all over my Ashley now. I know that life isn’t fair, but come on. I sighed and glanced over to Jake again, he was still watching them. “Jake. Stop watching them.” I muttered.

“Sorry, sorry, I was just...making sure, but I’m afraid that Andy most definitely likes Ashley. I just hope that Ashley doesn’t leave you, I don’t think he will, ever. You love each other too much to leave each other. Andy will move on and find someone else.”

I nodded, taking in Jake’s words. “Thanks Jake, you always know how to comfort me.” I smiled at him.

He shrugged, “Hey, you’re like a brother to me, I love you, I don’t want you to be hurting, at all. I’ll have a word with Andy later if you want?”

I found myself shrugging and telling him to, ‘Do whatever you want to do.’

The bell rang, signalling the end of class and e stood, collecting our bags before setting off down the corridor towards our next subject which ironically happened to be History. And the only person that was in that class with me was Andy. This is going to be hell. 

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