Chapter 4

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~Andy’s POV~

Jinxx and I were sat in history, he wasn’t paying attention, and neither was I, so we sat there, basically staring at the wall, lost in our own thoughts. I was of course, thinking of Ashley. I know that Jinxx and him are dating, but that doesn’t stop me from liking him. Plus, I think Ashley and I would go together better anyways. Jinxx is too shy and boring…he listens to classical music.

I don’t know why I feel this way about him now, I used to like him more, as a friend of course, but ever since I developed this crush on Ashley, I haven’t liked him as much. I guess it’s just jealousy working its magic. I want him to be happy, but I also don’t want him to be, I want to be wit Ashley, it’s not fair on me if he gets Ashley and I don’t. None of us should have him if more than one likes him. I’m just rambling now, I don’t know, I’m probably just tired.

---time skip---

It was break time now, and I was walking very close to Ashley as we all wandered around the school campus. There were bullies following us, I think they wanted Ashley but I wasn’t going to let them have him…he’s mine. Or will be.

~Jake’s POV~

I glared briefly at Andy, he didn’t see though. I had to find a way to get him away from Ashley and have a talk with him. I noticed that Ashley and Jinxx were holding hands though, that’s good, I guess. CC was sucking on a lollipop, looking around the hall as we all walked. Although we were the ‘emo’ group. Not many people picked on us, they used to but we had basically fought back and scared them.

Andy was currently hanging onto Ashley’s arm, literally, he was pulling on him. Ashley seemed to think he was doing it in a jokey friend way, but I knew that Andy really wasn’t. Ashley pulled his arm out of Andy’s grip and turned his attention to Jinxx, who had been silent for a long time now. Basically since the start of lunch.

Andy’s face seemed to drop at this and he looked away. I nudged him, “Can I talk to you? In private?”

Andy nodded slowly, a curious expression taking over his features as I led him to the side of the hall. “What?” he asked, when we had stopped walking.

“Well…I’ve noticed that you’ve been hanging all over Ashley lately…” I began, his face flashed worry for a second or two. “-And you’re making Jinxx upset. I get that you probably have a crush on Ashley, but could you please not hang over him like that. Jinxx has been through a lot, and I really don’t want him to go through much more like that, I don’t think he would be able to handle it.” I explained this to him and he looked sort of sad now.

“I know... I can’t help it, I just really like Ashley…and I’m jealous of Jinxx and his relationship with Ash. I don’t mean to, I just can’t help it. You don’t know what it feels like, to have the person that you really like, dating someone else, and are most likely in love with them.”

I found myself wincing when he said that, CC was actually dating this girl called Lauren at the moment, and I love CC, with all my heart so, the situation really isn’t helping my heart at the moment or my confidence. “Actually, Andy. I do.”

“What? Who do you like?”

“Well…he’s in our group of friends, and he’s dating a girl.”


“Heh…yeah…I love CC. I know, don’t tell him though, please don’t, I would die if he knew that…”

“Don’t worry, I won’t tell. But I don’t know what to do Jake…I really really want to date Ash, and the fact that he has Jinxx makes me feel really sad…”

“You’ll get over him, I promise. And by the way, I’m pretty sure that there are a lot of people out there who would want to date you. You are really hot, believe it or not.”

Andy flushed red at my statement, “Th-thanks I guess…” I don’t think he’s very good at taking compliments. “Anyways, I hope that you and CC work out…but I can’t promise that I will stop hanging onto Ashley, he’s my best friend, and I really like him at the moment, but I’m hoping that I might get over him, for Jinxx’s sake.”

I thanked him and then we ran to catch up with the guys, they didn’t seem to notice that we were gone, thankfully.

~Ashley’s POV~

I was still holding Jinxx’s hand as we walked, swinging our arms back and forth, in an attempt to make him smile. It worked, I made him giggle. I smiled to myself and gave him a quick hug, kissing his head in the process.

We both had English next, and it was just us. The guys weren’t in that class, so I had Jinxx all to myself, sorta. We took our seats, in the back corner and just started to chat to each other.

“So what are you doing for the music assignment?” I asked him this as he hadn’t told me earlier.

“Uh I was going to do, If I’m James Dean you’re Audrey Hepburn, but Andy said he was doing that so I’m now doing, With Ears to see and Eyes to hear, also by sleeping with sirens. I’m going to Jakes house later to work on it.” His eyes seemed to shine as he talked about the song, I’m guessing he really liked it, it was a nice song though so I don’t blame him for liking it.

“That’s nice~ I like that song, I’m sure you’ll be amazing at it.” I smiled at him, which caused him to smile back at me.


“Yes really, why would I lie to you?”

He just shrugged and cuddled into my side. “I dunno~”

I chuckled quietly and slid an arm around him before turning to listen to what the teacher was talking about, although it didn’t sound very interesting, I would most likely need to take notes so I wouldn’t fail the class. That would be crap, and then I would most likely get in a lot of trouble from my Grandma.

We sat in silence, scribbling furiously, damn this woman can talk fast. Jinxx was leaning over his jotter as he continued to write, he looked sorta funny, but I guess that’s why I love him.

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