Chapter 7

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~Jinxx’s POV~

Ashley and I were cuddled up in bed, we were both silent. Neither of us dared to say a word to break the silence. I had caught him trying to throw up earlier... So I was upset and a little disappointed. Instead of speaking I decided that we should just cuddle instead until he wanted to speak.

“Jinxx...I’m sorry...” Ashley mumbled after a further 10 minutes of silence.

“I know...but why...Ashley?”

“S-school...I shouldn’t let them get to me...but they do....they’ve been calling me fat...” Ashley mumbled into my side.

“Who has been calling you fat?” I asked

“Just...everyone...they call me fat and a faggot...when you aren’t there...”

I glared at nothing in particular, “How dare they...” I growled.

“Jinxx...don’t be mad...please...I’m sorry~” Ashley muttered, his voice cracking at the end.

“I’m not mad at you...don’t be sorry...I just wish that they’d leave us alone...and stop being fucking dicks....none of us deserve any of this crap that gets thrown at us. But teenagers are Satan’s minions and will do anything to hurt people for their own pleasure...we’re all stupid...”

Ashley just nodded into my side.

“I the bathroom’s, they write rumours about things- I have left a couple messages in the bathrooms, written on the back of the doors. Telling who ever reads it that everyone should be equal, and just whatever. I don’t remember what I wrote exactly...” I said quietly.

“Well that’s good that you’ve left things for people to think about...” Ashley said quietly.

“I guess so...I just hope that they come to their senses. We’re all the same. No matter what race, sexuality, our thoughts beliefs, music tastes, we are different in our own ways but we’re all the same inside.”

Ashley smiled a little, “This is why I love you~ you’re so smart and physiological~” he giggled a little.

“Well I love you because you’re you~ and I wouldn’t have you any other way.”

Later on that day we received a knock on the door. I got up to answer it, Ashley in tow.

On the other side of the door was a man. Our landlord to be exact...we hadn’t paid the bills recently because we had run out of money. We were trying to convince him that we would come up with the money, but he wasn’t buying it anymore.

“Unless you pay your long over-due bill by tomorrow then you’re out.” he said gruffly, glaring down at the both of us.

“B-but we don’t have the money! We don’t have anywhere to live!” Ashley pleaded.

“I don’t give a fuck; you’re not paying the bills. You can’t have the apartment.”

Ashley and I both looked at each other, accepting the fact that we were going to get kicked out of our apartment. His grandmother had moved away to a different state so we couldn’t live with her. We were going to stuck on the streets...well this sucked.

“We’ll be out by tomorrow...” I said quietly, being the only one that could hold their voice without crying at that moment.

“Good. You two are faggots and I don’t want you in this apartment anyways!” he laughed before leaving.

I shut the door quietly and me and Ashley walked back over to the sofa. Maybe we would be able to get a council house? Or a smaller apartment with a smaller bill. One of us would have to take up a job. Which would mean no more school...

I sighed to myself, looking over to Ashley who was staring blankly at the wall.

“Ash...we should start packing...” I said gently, nudging his shoulder.

“Y-yeah...” he whispered, getting up and walking upstairs.

I grabbed some cardboard boxes and took them upstairs with me to put our clothes in. I handed a box to Ashley, dumping the rest of them on the floor. We began to empty our wardrobe of the clothes that it held.

Ashley and I were currently drunk and listening to music as we packed, in an attempt to lighten the mood. I guess it was sort of working, I’m not sure. All the clothes had been shoved into the cardboard boxes and we had found some suitcases and other containers. We were shoving shoes, books, posters and whatever else we had into the containers.

It was around 5 am when we had finished packing up all our shit. We wouldn’t need any of the furniture, there was no point in having it. We loaded the car with all our things, the car didn’t actually haven any insurance on it and we weren’t supposed to be driving it because we couldn’t pay the bills for anything. We were fucking poor...

Ashley and I took one final look around the apartment. Our home, our first home, gone. I held him close and kissed him as we stood in the middle of the living room.

“Goodbye...” I whispered to the apartment as we walked out of the door for the last time.

We sat in the car, on the side of the street. It was coming up for winter, the temperature was slowly dropping and the wind was stronger. The most perfect time of the year to be homeless...

I drove away from the apartment, Ashley was waving goodbye to it from the passenger seat, like a little kid.



“I was thinking...I could drop out of school and get a job so we could maybe afford an apartment...?”

Ashley stared at me, he shook his head. “No! I’m not letting you drop out of school!”

“Ashley...I’m older than you. Shut up, okay? I will get a job and you will stay on in school with the guys.”

Ashley faltered, going quiet. “B-but you’re smarter than I am...”

“Which is why you should stay in school, even though YOU are very smart as well.”

Ashley frowned at me. “Fine~ you’re annoying.”

“Oh but you love me~” I jabbed him in the side with my elbow causing him to whine.

“I know~” he giggled a little.

“Anyways, for now we can just live in the car I guess? The school has showers and whatever.”

Ashley nodded a little.

 “I’ll go look for a job tomorrow while you’re at school, okay baby?”

Ashley smiled and nodded- again. “Okaaaaay~!”

This is going to be hell but we need to do something about this problem that we’ve gotten ourselves into.

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