Chapter 11

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~Ashley’s POV~

I was sitting in the bus heading to school, the guys still didn’t know where me and Jinxx were living…we didn’t not trust them but someone might over hear me telling them. Which would suck, because they would most likely tell someone and we would get kicked out.

I was currently sitting in history. It was rather boring to say the least…I just wanted to go home and cuddle with Jinxx all day but no I had to go to fucking school and learn shit. 

I felt a piece of paper hit the back of my head and I decided to read it.

“You’re dead Purdy. We’ll get you and your boyfriend, we’ll follow you you can’t hide from us.”

Oh shit.

They’ll find out and oh crap. It’s last class all ready. Maybe if I run home today…No that won’t work I’m not all that good at running.

The bell rung and I immediately stood up and threw my backpack over my shoulder before ‘fast walking’ out of the classroom and to my locker. I grabbed the remainder of my books from there before getting the fuck out of the school.

Please don’t find me…

I took the path that went through the woods, that was a stupid decision because if they found me I didn’t really have anywhere to go but whatever.

“Purdy!” I heard someone yell.


I started to run, well sprint along the path, I could hear them running behind me. Oh shit oh shit. I veered off of the path and ran through the trees, dodging them all luckily.

I tripped over a root and fell forward.

I felt myself falling further than I probably should have, I opened my eyes and realised I had fallen into a hole that was sort of big-ish. But they would have never of been able to get down here.

I saw water below me and I managed to throw my bag over to the bank of the water before I made impact. I went under the water but quickly swam to the top to take more air in, I was a terrible swimmer but the water was still-ish. No currents or anything.

I opened my eyes again when I re-surfaced, looking around where I had fallen. It was like a cave sort of thing I guess but the weird thing is that there were lights, like wooden torches lining the walls.

I made my way over to the bank where I had threw my bag before I hit the water. I pulled myself out and sat on the side. I was soaking but it was surprisingly warm down here so I found myself starting to dry off quickly.

I picked up my back pack and stood up, glancing around the cave before deciding to walk down the side of the bank, towards where my house would have been if I hadn’t fallen in here.

The torches were lined down the walls along here to, and the bank I realised was made of stone. My footsteps were echoing as I walked along the side of the water. It was peaceful down here and I felt comfortable.

After a while the cave opened up and I noticed that the water ended in a sort of pool. There was a door a little further along, I walked over to it and opened it. Surprisingly it opened easily, there was a corridor along here, I could see some stairs at the end.

I decided to just walk to the end of the corridor and go up the stairs, it looked interesting. The walk along the corridor didn’t take too long and soon enough I had reached the top of the stairs.

I pushed the door open.

On the other side was a dark room covered in cob webs, it was sort of creepy to be honest and I was scared. But I had to travel onward.

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