Chapter 15

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~Ashley’s POV~

A lot of days have passed since the day we started to write songs. We’ve all been collecting money, getting jobs. It’s hard work, juggling school, jobs and a band at the same time but we’re managing, barely.

We’ve got amps, and we have microphones. We have all the recording equipment now, some of it was second hand, but it still works fine. We just need money for the music video now.

I want this band so much, but I always get the crushing feeling in my chest when we fail at collecting enough money to meet a deadline. I want to stand up for others that get bullied for looking different.

Just because they’re not part of the norm. It’s ridiculous, it’s a tragedy. I can’t save them all, but maybe, just maybe the music can help them, it could stop them from committing. It could help them; they could use music to distract themselves so they don’t harm themselves.

Music helps me; it helps me calm down when I’m stressed and alone. I can just sit and jam out to it or lay on my bed and listen to it with my eyes closed. Music helps a lot; it makes the world go round. Although, it is music taste that can destroy a child’s life, or a teen’s life.

I looked down the dark hall as I walked, all the lights were out because it was the middle of the night. The guys were staying over tonight because we were going to start properly recording when everyone woke up. It was 3 AM so of course I was the only one who was awake.

I walked into the music room and over to the desk in the corner after turning the light on and shutting the door. I sat down and looked through all the notes for everything. For every song we’d written.

The songs were as follows; We Stitch These Wounds, Beautiful Remains, Children Surrender, Perfect Weapon, Knives and Pens, The Mortician’s Daughter, All Your Hate, Heaven’s Calling, Never Give In, Sweet Blasphemy and then Carolyn.

My personal favourite from the songs was Beautiful Remains. I helped write it, along with Andy. He was sort of the official song writer or the group, he was good at writing.

“Ashley? What are you doing up?” Jake asked me as he walked into the music room; he had bags under his eyes.

“I could ask you the very same question, Jake.” I retorted, continuing to look through the notes.

“You’re a great morning person.” Jake replied, sarcastically.

“I know; I’m always in a wonderful mood in the morning.” I grumbled, looking over to him as he sat down on a seat near the desk.

“I feel bad for Jinxx then.” Jake laughed. He leant back in the chair, watching me as I shuffled through the papers.

“You don’t have to proof read them Ashley, they’re all good. It sounds good, they will work.” Jake told me after a couple of minutes of silence.

“I know… I just worry… what if we should change a word? What if it doesn’t work with the song when Andy’s singing?” I asked Jake, panic clear in my voice.

“Ashley, calm down. It’ll work; it’s going to be fine.” Jake smiled, “We worked hard on this, and it’s going to be fine.”

I nodded and sighed, “Okay, okay. Sorry, I’m good now.” I smiled at Jake.

“Good! We can’t have you having a panic attack at 4 in the morning.” He shrugged a little.

“4 in the morning? I didn’t realise I had been sitting here for this long.” I bit my lip, placing the paper back down on the desk.

“How long have you been in here for?” Jake asked.

“1 hour. I came in here at like 3 AM. I left Jinxx alone in the bed.” I said quietly.

Jake nodded, “That’s quite a while, but we should both go back to bed. We’ll be no use later when everyone else is up and ready to record and then we’re walking around like a pair of zombies because we were foolish enough to stay up all night.” He laughed and stood up. “Come on now, off to bed, Ash.”

I laughed and shook my head at Jake, rising from my seat. “I’m going, I’m going. You go to bed.” I flipped him the bird, walking past him and over to the door.

“Rude.” Jake smirked, following me.

He turned the light off and shut the door behind us both. We bid each other goodnight before heading off down the hall to where we were sleeping, both of us trying to be as quiet as possible so we didn’t wake anyone else up.

I crawled back into bed with Jinxx; luckily he didn’t wake up and just rolled over, wrapping his arm around me, and pulling me closer to him. How he did that in his sleep, I have no idea, but I’m not complaining.

I relaxed into his hold, closing my eyes. I was tired; I don’t know why I woke up in the middle of the night thinking about the songs that we had written. I guess I’m just stressed but now, now I was going to sleep.

AN:// Sorry about it being shorter than usual, I feel like complete and utter shit today and I can't force myself to write the usual length. It's only a page and a half off of the usual though..

Jinxx The Jinxxer

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