Part 17 Of The First Draft
These pictures are stunning. Becky had managed to catch every aspect and angle of the corrupted watchers, and each shot showed professionalism that was absent in kids of Becky's age. She started to exit the room, and I decided to follow. When she tried to leave the Eisens' home, I grabbed her, and asked,
“Whoa. Where do you think you are going?”
Becky wiggled out of my grasp, and stated,
“I have to get these photos to Carlita.”
Renee, who was still awake, still wearing her jeans and tight black tanktop, joined us at the door. She told Becky, in a stern yet caring tone,
“You’re going to have to wait until morning, Rebecca. It's too dangerous for us out there.”
Renee’s words were lost on her, and Becky barged through the door, calling out behind her as she quickly hurried away,
“I’ll be back!”
Renee sighed, and I said to her, frustrated,
“You didn't stop her.”
Renee laughed, and jested,
“Did you think that I could?”
“Renee, I know you could have. What if she dies out there?”
Perry, surprisingly, joined us at the door, and helped calm my uncertainities,
“Mindi, Becky is a ghoul. She can handle herself.”
I smiled at him, and gave in,
“Darling, I know you're right, it's just that....I really like her. Promise me you'll watch over her, even if you are so far away. I know you can.”
“You bet, love. Why don't you get some sleep, Mindi? That's where I was heading. I'm sure Becky will be back here when we wake up tomorrow.”
“You’re right. I just wish you could lay next to me, Perry....”
I blushed, and retracted what I said,
“Oh, ignore that. I’m just running on empty.”
I hugged Perry, and then hurried to the living room where I sunk into the Eisens' large black leather couch. Sleep came almost instantly, which is good, as it provided little time for me to think. What thoughts could come to me spun around in my head, with almost each and every one of them being about him. A few of them were about Becky, wondering if she truly will be okay out there. These feelings will just have to wait until tomorrow.
When I arose I did not find Becky. Lana saw the urgency in my eyes and tried to relieve me of my anxiety,
“Don’t worry...I’m sure she'll be at school....”
Lana, who had given me a hug, stood next to me in her short shorts, tight t-shirt, and calf high boots. She was always one for fashion, and was one of the few women I would ever consider being with. When my bond with Perry became greater, I discarded my attraction to her, and became solely in both heart and mind to Perry. Besides, Lana isn't gay. On top of that all, she is my adopted sister. Sometimes, I swear that I am just too screwed up. Why anyone would have faith in me, I will never understand. Yet, in the back of my head, I know I am our only hope.
Perry came down the stairs, all dressed up for school. He asked me,
“Are you ready?”
“Hold on....”
I rushed to the bathroom and quickly put on some very basic clothes for school and brushed my teeth. I then rushed out, putting my dirt-stained jeans and torn shirt in the garbage, and made sure my parents weren't watching as I gave Perry a open-mouthed kiss. After I had tasted him a little, I said,
“Let’s go.”
Becky wasn't outside, and neither of us saw her in gym class that day. When lunch finally rolled around, Perry hurried to find me, and announced,
“I was able to text Becky....Veronica had to take her to the doctor. She's starting to look and act different. She tried to bite both her sister and Carlita. If I didn't know any better, I'd swear she's infected.”
“Yes, Mindi. It's something I don't even fully understand. I'm not led to believe that those watchers were some sort of zombie-like creature, but after hearing about Becky, I'm not so sure of anything. I believe that my mom can cure her, but there is another problem...”
I was beyond words. What is possibly in store for Becky? I can't just let her become a mindless monster. I asked Perry, feeling desperate,
“What’s this other problem?”
Perry lowered his voice, and delivered some cold news,
“Veronica, Becky's sister, as you know, is refusing to let anyone see Becky. She is worried about her, and reason just isn't working with her. Veronica can barely afford any sort of treatment for Becky but her emotions have became too strong for her to realize that. We will have to find another way to get to Becky. We can't just let her turn.”
“Turn? Are you telling me that Becky might become like one of those watcher monsters?”
Perry sighed, and gave a rather dark ultimatum,
“Not might, but instead will. It's only a matter of time.”
This was rather shocking. When Becky left last night, I thought that it was a bit hasty. Now, I know she was trying to protect us. She knew she had became infected, and didn't want us to follow the same fate. I have no doubt that Carlita will be fine, but Veronica will become infected too if we don't help Becky soon. This adds even more stress to my previously small teenage life. Who would have thought that this school year would bring about such a big problem within the first few months? What we had faced before was nothing compared to this. Despite this all, it leaves a bigger unanswered question: who exactly is controlling the corrupted watchers? I have reason to believe their interest in us and the resistance is part of an even bigger picture. What the picture is, now that is something that I can't least, not yet. We need to get Becky to Grace, pronto. Becky can't die. She's not only my friend but also part of the key to unraveling this mystery. If she fades away, then all hope will be lost for all of us, and maybe even all of Knoxville.
Hidden Close (Jr. Year)
ספרות נוערMindi's and Perry's love for each other is blossoming, and so is the looming adventures and dangers ahead of them. With the appearance of new friends and foes, the challenge is clear: can their love survive? Find out in "Hidden Close (Jr. Year)".