Helping out

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        The next day, Jimin was at his studying program afterschool. He finished his homework and was now studying on his lesson. Then, Jimin stopped studying in his small wooden cubical in a school building. He tapped the end of the eraser onto the notebook he had open and began to think of many things. Jimin looked down on his black school sweater and sighed reminding himself on how he just took off his shirt infront of Jungkook! Jimin knew what he was doing but why was the regret still there? Jimin layed back lazily as he decided to go on his phone. Jimin noticed he recieved many text messages from his two friends Taehyung and Yoongi. They wanted to know where Hoseok was.. Jimin then decided to text Hoseok and ask him if he has time to meet with his friends.


Me: Good afternoon,
Hoseok. I have two friends
Who would love to speak
With you.. If you
Are still here in seoul..
I would appreciate it
If you actually gave them
A chance. (They are really
bothering me Hyung!)

     Jimin waited for a reply setting his phone down and folding his hands together staring at his work. He was responsible for studying on his own without help from others, so Jimin would atleast take a short time to think of random things and then get back to work.

          Jimin was growing bored and kept glancing at the clock. He wanted to leave but by 10pm he was allowed to leave. Normally there was nothing stopping him from leaving but he just thought it was way better to get out by 10pm. After studying he would have to walk home on his own because his two friends were too busy to actually stay and study. Busy? more like too lazy! They wouldn't show up to study and would now do more bad things by heading to markets and causing trouble by stealing. This was normal for them and Jimin just allowed them to do what they pleased. It was no secret Taehyung and Yoongi were seen as smart students but they just did many things to give them a bad label. They would steal from markets and grow too lazy to do things now but their education was still held up high.

         Jimin wasn't like his two close friends.. He saw them very nice and happily but would never catch them on their bad boy attitudes.

         Soon when the clock showed 10pm. A few students got up and took their things beginning to leave. Jimin did the same, he packed up and walked out of his study site with his bag. The young boy had to walk home now, all by himself like everytime his friends decided not to show up for studying. Jimin walked out of the building and headed down the sidewalk at night. Many things could happen to him but he knew if actual rapists were to gang up on him.. He wouldn't survive that... Jimin wasn't that strong.

       Hoseok finally responded and Jimin quickly checked his phone as he walked home replying to Hoseok.


Hi Jimin! lucky for
your friends, I am
still in town for two
more days! I would love
to meet them. When and
where will I see the two?

Me: That is what I'll
have to see... I'll talk to
them! but thankyou
so much! 😄

Alright, goodnight!
Stay safe, Jimin!

               Jimin smiled at the text feeling like he just helped his friends out. Now they were all on their own. Just thinking that Taehyung and Yoongi had well interests on Jimin's dance teacher was very amusing.

              Jimin kept walking not noticing someone suddenly tugged Jimin's black school sweater making him get scared and start yelling for help. Jimin knew these signs and wanted to stay safe so when a random stranger was to pull him at night, Jimin had to yell hoping for someone to hear him.

           The stranger pulled Jimin into their arms and hugged him from the back slowly covering Jimin's mouth. Jimin turned pale in fear! He began to put up a good fight until he heard the stranger say, "AH! Jimin! Calm down it's me!" his voice was familiar... It was Jungkook!

           Jimin looked behind him to see Jungkook just holding the boy close and calmly, Jungkook removed his hand from Jimin allowing him to speak now.

       "JUNGKOOK YOU SCARED ME!" Jimin shoved Jungkook feeling his own heart pound quickly.

         Jungkook laughed and walked back up to Jimin holding him close. "Shh.. I'm sorry~" Jungkook apologized grabbing Jimin's hand. "Hey, I had my car pulled up where I always park. Why didn't you let me pick you up? Didn't you see me?"

            "O-Oh... I was texting someone.... That's all. I never knew you were coming to pick me up.." Jimin felt a bit uncomfortable due to what he did last night.. Jungkook seemed normal but not Jimin, that was Jimin's first time exposing himself like that to someone so dear to him.

          "Well? Come with me! I'll take you home, Jimin." Jungkook held Jimin's hand guiding him back to the car that was parked by the school. Jungkook opened the car door for Jimin and closed it once the boy sat inside as Jungkook went over to his drivers seat and got in to start the car.

           Jimin was glad it was actually Jungkook and not some random pervert! However, Jimin had that small feeling that made him think, Jungkook wasn't any different compared to a pervert. He seemed similar to one.. But Jimin wasn't going to point any fingers and label the kind guy.

             During the car ride, Jimin was looking out the window when he unexpectedly felt Jungkook's warm hand move up Jimin's thighs gently. The bit of soreness was there but Jungkook just rubbing it gently made Jimin blush not caring about the sore feeling!

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