A lover

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       Jimin gasped feeling Jungkook's hand touch him again. "Jungkook- w-wait!" Jimin sputtered pushing Jungkook back gently. "Let me answer the call first..." Jimin assured as Jungkook decided to lay back onto the seat watching Jimin move onto the passenger seat setting the camera aside and holding the phone up to his ear. "Hello?" Jimin answered.

            "Hi Jimin!" Taehyung responded.

            "Hello, Taehyung. Why are you calling at this time?"

        "Yoongi is sad." Taehyung claimed.

         "Wait, why?" Jimin asked starting to worry.

           "Well.. He won't let Hoseok go anywhere and he is crying, I thought if you can come over and help?"

           "Oh come on, Yoongi isn't like that.... I-Is he?"

         Taehyung sighed and walked up to Yoongi who was crying in Hoseok's arms begging him not to go. "Hyung, let Hoseok go."

         "N-no!" Yoongi shook his head hugging Hoseok. Hoseok was laughing at how Yoongi kept holding him close.

          "Oh... Well wait until he falls asleep?" Jimin suggested.

        Taehyung agreed and hanged up looking over to Yoongi sitting on the couch with his lover. Yoongi refused to leave Hoseok. He didn't want him to go unless, Hoseok would take Yoongi with him.

            Hoseok glanced at the time realizing, he'll be late soon. Hoseok then looked up at Taehyung and signalled him that they need to be alone. Taehyung quietly walked to the kitchen as Yoongi held Hoseok even tighter when he moved.

            "Yoongi.." Hoseok whispered. "I have to go.. I'll be late."

          "No." Yoongi claimed already stopping his tears as he hugged Hoseok.

         "Yoongi, you can't come with me.."

          "Then stay." Yoongi closed his eyes laying his head on the older man's shoulder.

          "I can't do that... My family cares too much for me. It was fun here, helping you out on your studies and speaking with you. I wanted that feeling to last... forever." Hoseok layed back onto the couch hugging Yoongi and looking up at the wall clock.

           "It can last forever if you stay here. Move in with me!" Yoongi suggested.

          "This is your home.. You belong here, I don't. I don't want to move in while your parents didn't even decide whether I'm good for you.. or not."

             "I don't want you to go.. You are amazing.." Yoongi looked at Hoseok. "Funny and hyper, It's exciting to be around you."

        Hoseok made a happy smile that gleamed, Yoongi meant these kind words and was not willing to lose such a kind guy. "We'll keep in touch."

            "Will you call me before you get to sleep? Will you text me every now and then? Please... I don't want to risk what we have.." Yoongi sighed as Hoseok held up a pinky.

         "I promise I will call you before I sleep and text you every now and then..." Hoseok swore as Yoongi pinky promised with Hoseok.

          "A-are we lovers now?" Yoongi questioned as Hoseok nodded.

            "Yes.. We are." Hoseok stood up and palced his finger over his lip. "But, I don't want our kiss to be so soon..."

          Yoongi's eyes glistened at the thought of having a first kiss. "Okay.. Please travel safe."

         Hoseok got up and made his way to his luggage. "I'll call you soon..." with that being said, he walked out of the house leaving Yoongi with a smile on his teary face. He knew Hoseok will call him soon, all he had to do now was wait for him.

          Taehyung poked his head out from around the kitchen corner and began to scream. "HYUNG!! You love eachother!!!"

        "SHHH!!!" Yoongi got up trying to hush his younger friend.

         "You were so innocent around him and so sof-" Yoongi covered Taehyung's mouth as the younger continued talking with Yoongi's hand over Taehyung's mouth making muffled sounds.

             Jimin placed the phone down after responding to a few text massages from classmates on questions about some assignments. Jimin looked over to see that Jungkook was laying back on the seat staring at his boyfriend.

           "Jimin..." Jungkook held up his right hand wanting to feel Jimin's small hand intertwine with his. Jimin blushed and held hands with Jungkook making the two smile.

           "Are you hungry? I can get you something~" Jungkook kissed Jimin's knuckles.

           "What's the catch?" Jimin wondered. Jungkook would always come up with these good ideas but then, seem like he wants something out of it.

          "Catch? What catch?~" Jungkook continued to kiss Jimin's hand while they locked contact together.

         "You always have something on your mind~" Jimin claimed.

          "Since you asked, I will just get you something to eat.. No catch at all, Jimin."

          "Hmm.. Okay, Yes." Jimin agreed. "Where are you taking me?"

          "I can get you take out food, I know it's not something you would have in mind bu-"

          "No it's fine, I have no problem with it!" Jimin made a heartwarming smile to assure he was alright with the idea.

          Jungkook then pulled his seat up. "Jimin, I also have to ask you something." Jungkook said while looking for his wallet.

          "What is it?"

       "I know you don't like this.. But, I need to record you dancing."


           "I can't tell you why, It's a secret." Jungkook looked up and winked.

           Jimin layed back onto his chair smiling at Jungkook. "You come with weird ideas, Jungkookie~." 

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