Bike Ride

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I look at the time on my iPad and it is 8:19pm. I had told my friends I would go on a bike ride with them and I have to leave now before it gets too late. I can't remember getting on my bike but I remember riding with a big group down a road, around the corner and down the hill towards the roundabout. In the group are DJ, Lucy, and maybe Trinity, and we are all singing an awesome song. When we finish the song I ask Lucy what we should sing now, and she begins singing a crazy rock song. We walk into the dairy. DJ is standing next to me as I check my pockets for money. I pull out 2 $2 coins and a couple of smaller coins and decide to get a Memphis meltdown and a small bag of lollies (I think). I walk outside eating my ice cream and think about how it must be past 9 right now, even though the sky is still blue for some reason. I go home, and in my room, Rocky is on the floor looking hurt or dying. I run downstairs for help, but only find my sister, who then runs to my room to help the cat. I go into the garage, which is now a school corridor, and Samuel is walking down it with me. We have ditched class, which Samuel says is ok. He talks about how we're about to sneak into one of the school science labs. I don't think it's a good idea, but then I see Sophie there and think that it's ok if she's ditching class as well. We see a teacher and she gives us each a box or something to put away. I can't remember what happens next (maybe something about tv?), but then I go home. Rocky is alive and happy and it is only 7:58pm for some reason.

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