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We decide to play collectors. A bunch of stuff has happened up to this point but I can't remember it. There are lots of nuts around the foresty area where we're beginning the game. The game starts and I run into my living room as I hear the tagger counting. A bunch of little kids are talking about what they're going to talk about on the Super Jay Podcast later as they run and hide. I run into my room and shut the door, probably making too much noise. I grab my trumpet and a chair, and try to jump out the window, but I'm struggling. AJ walks in and comes after me. I make it out the window before he gets me but as I run he climbs out behind me. I think he is holding his own trumpet as he is chasing me, and he talks to me about the little kids who are talking about the Super Jay Podcast. I run into a grassy area with classrooms surrounding it, and AJ stops to talk to a group of people. As I see different people I run in the opposite direction of them to get away from them. Soon Jordan appears and I run from him, but DJ appears in front of me so I turn around and try to head for a door. I see Jordan approaching from my left, so I try to turn around again but DJ is still there. He catches me and we all meet up and decide to stop playing. A group of people have been playing a sport in the grassy area and I realise I have been running through their game every time I turn around.

Weird Dreams I've hadWhere stories live. Discover now