The Third Floor

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I'm walking up the stairs of my old house, while Rhett McLaughlin's fat kiwi friend talks about how they used to know each other in college. The house has 3 storeys. The walls and railing are white. As I make my way to the third floor, the stairs disappear and I have to climb along the railing carefully because I'm holding things in my hands, some of the railing is broken and I'm afraid of falling. There is a little kid climbing after me and asking me annoying questions. I know that on the third floor is where GMM could have been filmed, because Rhett and Link own a house with this exact design somewhere else. I make it to the top and look around the room. This could be my new studio. There are movie posters all along the wall that I forgot I put up here. Some of them are Harry Potter ones and I need to take them to my room because I have other Harry Potter posters there. As I look around the room, I think about the best movies ever and how I haven't seen many of them. Someone in the room has new Star Wars Lego that I start observing. My nana comes into the room and tells me that I need to move my things out because this is her office. I start clearing my stuff off her desk, then end up cleaning nearly the whole desk. my sister and grandfather are in the room now. A talking dog says that we should go and pick some fruit off the trees outside, but I don't want to because it sounds like a waste of my weekend. A boy and his slightly older sister are in the room. They both have dark hair and they have Rocky. I start hugging Rocky, probably looking like a weirdo in front of the 2 siblings. They own Rocky at the moment because they are the heads of season 3 of the show where they stroke Rocky. This makes me wonder if Rocky doesn't remember me as much. He jumps out of the boy's hands, so the boy decides that that means season 3 has to end. He starts writing down the name for season 3 on a board game box. I can't remember the word but it's a long one. Then he tells me that he's never played the board game with the same name as season 3, which confuses me because he was just talking about it. He asks me if I want to play it with him in my old room. I say no. We look out the window and see people partying. Molly has gotten scared and is hiding somewhere. My sister and I find her cowering on the wall behind the bed in the form of a spider because cats can do that. I can't remember what happens next but soon I see a weird football game on a street, which is part of season 6 of GMM. I start thinking about how the actual season 6 of GMM is completely different and wake up.

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