My Grandparents' Apartment

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I'm at my Nana and Pop's apartment with my family. We all walk outside to see the new trampoline. I decide not to go on it and let the little boy there go on it, because that would be hogging it and it's not mine. They have 2 dogs, one red and one brown. The brown one says he has been fighting too much with the red one so he's going to sleep on the lawn tonight. I sit down at the table. Ella is talking too much and being annoying, so Nana snaps at her and gives me a fright. Nana apologises to me and gives me a hug. I start crying but don't let her notice. Ella is watching a weird tv programme while I flip through a magazine to see how stupid the page about minecraft is. I find a page about the worst tv show ever and it happens to be the one Ella is watching. It has a group of kids stuck in an elevator and a girl decides to crawl up the wall (because the elevator is apparently sitting sideways) and press a bunch of buttons in a particular order so that they make a song.

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