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I'm at a huge party inside some kind of apartment. The Avengers are all sitting on a raised platform. Bruce Banner gets a bit too excited and begins to turn into the hulk. Everyone realises this eventually and runs screaming out of the room. A man leads Hermione Granger and I to an elevator and waits for more people to climb in so we can escape downstairs, but nobody else sees the elevator so he jumps in and tries to get it going. He presses all the wrong buttons but Hermione finds the right one and we get moving. We reach the ground floor of the building and a lot of time seems to have passed. Dozens of people are walking around or sitting and they've all been infected by a disease that the hulk started. We have to be careful not to touch them or we'll be infected as well. To exit the building, we have to get through a security area. The security men luckily let me through because I'm a local there, but one of them tells me he needs to check my hair in case I'm infected. He lets me leave afterwards. I find Jordan and tell him that he needs to build a moat around the area of infected people, then I run out of the city and into a jungly area. I find a group of my friends there including Samuel, Josh, Lucy and Sophie (and possibly DJ) and they have all been infected. I need to get away from them without them noticing me or else they might follow me and infect me. I reach Jordan's moat and get across it to where Jordan is, along with James and AJ, but my infected friends have found the moat as well. Josh jumps into the water and hides from the rest of them and I do the same.

Weird Dreams I've hadWhere stories live. Discover now