Chapter 5

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Chapter 5.

Me, Ace, and Light finished eating a great breakfast. I was putting up plates when I asked Ace if light could live with us, and he said yes. I jumped on him and kept saying thank you over and over.

"I'm happy that I get to live with you guys." said light perching on my shoulder.

"Yea I'm happy too. Ace said he's going to build an environment dorm in the back yard so you can fly in and don't need to worry about any hunters." I said.

"Good. Thank you Ace." Light said.

"Hey Ace. Light said thank you for letting him live with us." I said to Ace,smiling.

Ace chuckled "Your welcome Light. Take care of my sister when she goes to school. I heard that at her school you can bring your pets. Like birds.dogs.cats.and many other animals." I looked at him wide-eyed

"Are you serious. I get to bring light to school with me." I said. Half yelling.

"Yup, you can." Ace said patting my shoulder.

"Hey when am I going to start school?" I asked looking up.

"You start next week at Overton high school." he said waking away.

"Ok." Was all I said before I went outside with Light still on my shoulder. I sat down on the porch and started petting Light on his head.

"Are you excited that I get to come with you to school.?" Asked Light hopping off my shoulder an on to my lap.

"Yup, I'm really excited." I said smiling.

"Hey, how about we watch this anime called 'wolf's rain'. I've seen the whole thing last year. But I don't really remember any of the characters very well, so I wanted to see it again this time with you. What do you say?" I said getting out my phone from my pocket.

"Sure, I would like too." Light said leaning closer to the phones screen.

I giggled at that and softly pulled him away.

"Don't get to close to the screen or you'll ruin your eye sight." I said eyeing him.

"Oh. Ok." Was all he said before turning his attention back on the phone.

I Typed in 'Wolfs rain episode 1.' and Hundreds of videos popped up. I clicked the subscriber that posted all of the episodes of wolfs rain and started watching it.

"Hey Tina. This is strange because. In this "Anime" wolfs have been extinct for over 200 years. But they tricked humans to believe that they're one of them." Light said tilting his head

"Yea I know. Just keep watching. K" I said turning my attention back on my phone.

I was at the part when Tsume orders his human slaves. (The way I put it) to pull Kiba out from under the tree. When they wore reaching for Kibas leg he woke up and sprang at the man. The other man pulled back and started shooting his crossbow at Kiba. He missed, Kiba took that advantage and sprang at the man. Grabbing the mans neck in his jaws and bit down hard enough to spill blood.

I saw in the corner of my eye, Light looked away from the disturbing sight.

"Tina. That's a lot of blood for only one episode." He said turning to look at me.

I giggled. "Well there's more blood in the other episodes." I said turning to see what happened next. Tsume and Kiba were fighting. Kiba and Tsume jumped at each other, kiba got cut. The screen changed to a girl in a huge glass ball dome thing with some type of liquid inside. I felt drown to her for some reason. Then the screen went back to the fight. One of Tsumes human helpers was swinging a hammer, I believe at Kiba. Kiba jumped before the kid hit him with the hammer then limped away.

Kiba limped into the city streets. A shotgun being loaded from behind him caught his attention. A man in a brown coat and hat was pointing the gun at him. The mans dark blackish- blueish dog ran at Kiba. Kiba stood his ground waiting for the right moment to attack, When the black dog jumped up into the air, The man aimed the gun, And at the angle he got he pulled the trigger. The bulled went straight through Kiba's right shoulder. He fell to the floor lifeless and fell conscious.

After the police finished interviewing the man. They let him go. He was telling the other men that Kiba was a wolf. (Which he is)But of course they didn't believe him. The screen changed to a room where Kiba was locked up in a small cage with blood everywhere where his shoulder was. A orange/yellow wolf stood in front of the cage. A man named Hubb Lebowski and a woman named Cher Degré came to look at Kiba. Hubb asked what the orange wolf was doing there. To Hubbs and Cher's eyes, he's nothing more than a human. The wolf asked them where the cleaning supplies were so he could get out and come back later, when Hubb and Cher was out of the room. Cher walked towards the cage and squatted down.

"So what do you think. Do you really think it's a wolf?" asked Hubb

"I don't know I never seen a real one before. If it is then it might have caused the reaction in Cheza." Cher said. I gasped When I heard her say Chezas name, then felt a sharp pain in my chest. I held my breath and put my hand over my heart. A burning sensation spread all over my body then fell forward on my knees.

"TINA!" I heard Light yell. My phone fell right beside me. A black dot appear on my phone and got bigger and bigger. I was terrified and tried desperately to scoot away from it, but the pain was unbearable. The black hole was two inches away from me. My eyes were slowly drooping, the pain was slowly turning me numb, then a wave of drowsiness hit me . Dark spots took over my vision, and then I fell into darkness......


Yes finishes chapter 5. I'm on a roll. I'm not doing the same story as wolfs rain. I'm doing the 2nd story of it after the world froze over. So if your confused then comment me on chat. And I'll try to explain the best I can. Soo do that if you have questions. Kk. Plz do what ever you do to other books. I'll be updating soon. K BYE


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