Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

(Tina's POV)

Where am I? Im so cold and it's dark. I can't see anything.

"Tina." I heard a dark voice that I seem to know.

"Who's there!" I said looking around. I heard chuckling and foot steps coming towards me.

"You should know me already. You've seen me in your world" the dark voice said. I looked to my right and saw one yellow eye and a blue one glowing and looking at me. My eyes widened with fear and I started walking backwards slowly.

"W-What do y-you w-want?" I stuttered and looked around franticly. I yelped when I was pushed to the ground and pinned. I stared at the person I've been scared of ever since I saw wolfs rain. Darcia.

"Hm. Looks like someone's scared." He said stroking my cheek. I closed my eyes as I felt his breath on my lips.

"Do you want to know how I'm in your dream?" he asked. I felt his lips brush against my cheek when he spoke. I didn't answer. I just laid there.Frozen.

"When I died. Half of my soul was still alive. When the earth froze over I remained dormant. That is until I felt a strong power somewhere in frozen city. When I got there. I saw you. A silver wolf with blood red eyes. You awakened me with your scent and your power. But I'm mostly after your blood." He said kissing my neck.

"Why? tell me please!" I screamed tears streaming down cheeks.

"There is a legend. A legend that only wolves know. It's about the blood wolf."

"The blood wolf?" I said confused

"The blood wolf is a wolf that can bring anything back to life by just one drop of its blood in the victims mouth. That's why I want you. You have that power in your blood. The last wolf that had that died trying to save his love. He used up to much of his blood and died of blood loss. Now you have that power. I'm going to take some of your blood. He said looking into my eyes.

I was speechless. Am I that wolf? no! I can't be! The thoughts that were going on in my head was disturbed when I felt fangs press against my neck. My eyes widened and I let out a ear piercing scream. I pushed with all my might to get Darcia off me. I finally managed to wiggle out from under him so I slid farther away from him. My hand slipped from under me and My head contacted with the floor. Soon every thing became blurry then pitch blackness.........


(Kiba's POV)

I'm very worried about Tina. She's been sleeping for 3 days now. 3Days!!!!!! I paced back and fourth around the cave we found. Tina laid on top of leaves and grass to make it feel like she's sleeping on a bed. I noticed something on Tina's neck when I glances at her. I walked towards her and knelt down. I reached my hand out and moved away some of her hair so I can see better. My eyes widened at what I saw. There was fang marks on her neck. I've been in this cave ever since we found it and put Tina here. The other pack members never even touched her! so how did that mark get there?

I cut off of my thoughts when Hige came running in the cave with a dead bird in his hand.

"Here Kiba. You haven't eaten so you need to eat" he said holding out the bird to me. I nodded my head and got up and took the bird out of his hand. I said thanks and began eating it. I sighed as I looked back Tina. I hope she wakes up soon.......

(Toboe's POV)

I hope Tina gets better. I'm worried about her. Lilly has been crying now and than every time someone mentions Tina. Foíniox has been quiet as well. But something doesn't seem right about him. I don't know why but, my instincts keep telling to attach him. But I brushed it off.

I'm walking around the forest with Lilly by my side. Can I tell you a secret? ok. I really like Lilly. Sometime today or tomorrow I'll tell her. I sighed and looked up at the sky. It's sunny. Wow it's been awhile when I last saw the sun. I closed my eyes as I felt the warmth from the sun on my face.

"Hey Toboe. Do you think Tina's going to be alright?" Lilly asked from be sides me. I opened my eyes and turned my head to look at her. She had a worried look on her face. I couldn't help but gentle pull her towards me as I wrapped my arms around her. She started to shake then started crying.

"Sh it's ok Lilly. Tina will wake up soon." I said softly rubbing her back trying to calm her down.

I looked up to the sky as I felt the tears falling off Lilly's face on to my shirt.

'Tina. I hope you wake up soon'


Hey Guys.!! I hope you guys like this chapter. And I'm sorry that it's short but in the next chapter it'll be longer. I PROMISE!!!!

Me: Foíniox! Come her please

Foíniox: Yes Angel


Foíniox: No. *looks at everything instead of me.*

Me. Don't lie to be boy!



Tina; Yes. Yes I did.


Foíniox: "........."

Me: let run for it!


Tina, kiba, hige, AND Toboe:





please have a heart and do these BEFORE ANGEL AND FOÍNIOX GETS THEM SELFS KILLED.

Thank your for you cooperation.

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