Chapter 12

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IMPORTANT!!! people who are reading Unknown Secret. I'm so sorry. I accidentally deleted it. My phone froze while I was going to update and it deleted it. I have no idea how it happened but. I'm going to try and write another book. I'm sorry.
Chapter 12


I woke up smelling Blood and Roses. I got off the bed quickly and looked who Evers bed I was on. It was Tina. She was snuggled inside the blanket getting warm as possible. I gotta admit she was very beautiful when shes sleeping. I sat back on the bed and stared at Tina's sleepping figure. Every time I get near Tina i always fell nervous. Like I feel Like I'm going to mess up by getting very protective over her. I need to get every thing sorted out before I end up making these feelings even more intense. Ugh that doesn't even make sense! I sighed and got off the bed and walked towards the door. I opened it and walked out into the hallway. I was about to climb the stairs I heard Toboe's cheerful voice coming from the roof of the stairs. I walked up the stairs and opened the door to the roof and saw Toboe talking to Lilly. I walked towards to edge of the roof and sat down.

"Hey Kiba. I came up here to talk to you but you weren't up here. Where were you?" Toboe asked getting up stretching
"Tina asked me if I had a place to stay. I told her that I slept up here and I didn't have a room. She said that I can stay in her room till we leave to find Cheza. So I agreed and got in bed. She said good night then-" I stopped talking remembering what happened next. Tina kissed me on the cheek. I felt blood immediately rush into my cheeks. I heard a Toboe laugh and a thud sound. I looked and Toboe was on the floor laughing. Lilly on the other hand was getting annoyed. I could tell that by Toboes laughing won't last very long.

I was about to tell Toboe to shut up but instead I heard foot steps coming from behind me. I turned around and saw a noble.
"Toboe go warn the others. NOW!" I yelled as I jumped at the noble nocking him to the ground. I got on top of him and grabbed his neck into my jaws and bit down as hard as I could on his neck until I heard a pop. I opened my jaws and let his head fall out. I heard growling and snapping of jaws coming from the ally below. I looked down from the roofs edge and saw Tina in front of Lilly. I saw two nobles infront of Tina with they're guns pointing at her. I stared in horror as they got closer and closer. I did what my instinct told me to do. I jumped off the roof and landed in front of Tina and started fighting the Nobles.

(Before Kiba came for the rescue.)
I woke up from Lilly yelling in my ear. I sat up and looked at her questionably.
"HURRY UP TINA LETS GO. THE NOBLES ARE COMING TO KILL US!!!" She yelled, tears streaming down her face. I jumped out of the bed and grabbed the supplies with Lilly waiting. By the door. I ran toward the door and ran down the hall way and down the stairs. We reached the exit and ran out into the ally. I heard a 'chick Ching' of a Gun reloading behind me. I turned around and saw a Noble pointing the gun at Tsume. I ran toward the Noble and tackled him to the ground. I held him down and broke his arm. I grabbed his gun and shot him in the head. I winced when I felt a sharp pain shot up my side. I looked were the pain was coming from and saw a big scratch.
"H- how d-did that g-ge-get there?" I said when I started limping towards Lilly and grabbed her hand.
"Tina. Your hurt let me help you" I heard Tsume call out to me. I shook my head
"No go find the others and see of they're all right. I'm fine ok" I said turning around too look at him. I saw Tsumd nod and ran the other direction.
I sighed and walked into a ally way still right by the apartments.
"T-ti-Tina th- there's t-two N-Nobles in f-front of us" I heard Lilly say behind me. I turned around and pulled Lilly behind me. I let out a protective growl, but they didn't even budge. Instead They started walking closer and closer towards us. I was about to attach when Kiba landed infront of us and started fighting the Nobles.

I started feeling dizzy for some reason. I felt my side hurt more and more. I crouched down and held my side with my right hand. I began seeing blurry figures and then all I could hear was Cheza's song ringing in my ears. I felt safe. I felt someone pick me up and started running. Then darkness took over me....


HEY GUYS!! Sorry that I didn't update last week end like I was suppose too. I had a lot of stuff going on so I didn't have time to update. Oh don't forget my CONTEST!!!!! I still need a lot of people to tell me they're characters. I only got 3 people that submitted they're characters to me. I got to admit they're characters are great. Good job. I'll try to update sometime next week. Keep on reading. Oh If your a Naruto fan. I'm going to write a fanfic book about them coming to life on earth when ever I get the chance. Kk BYE!!

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