Chapter 15

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Crystalkeepers character is going to be in this chapter and NicoleGiesemann's as well.
Crystalkeepers is Foíniox
(Foíniox wolf is on the side)
.Chapter 15
(Tina's POV)
"Tina slow down." I heard Hige say from behind me.
"No we need to find a forest quick and look for Cheza and light" I said picking up speed to get ahead of Hige.
"Damn it Tina slow down. Toboe and Blu are getting tired. Your acting like Kiba from the last time" I heard Hige yell angrily.
"I'm fine Hige. Your not my dad so stop making decisions for me!" I heard Blu said angrily at Hige.
"Yea. Just because I'm a kid doesn't mean that your the boss!" I heard Toboe Say and ran faster.
I sniffed the air trying to see if we're near the forest. Instead of smelling grass and leaves I smelt Light. I smiled and looked up at the sky.
Soon enough I saw light sorrowing through the sky. I smelt another scent infront of us. It smelt like grass and pine. I looked in front of me and saw a boy around my age talking to Light from above.
"LIGHT!" I yelled over excited but still wondering who that boy is.
"TINA. YOUR AWAKE!" Light yelled back while flying towards me. I held out my arm so he can land. He landed on my arm and started to rub his face against mine.
"I was so worried about you Tina. I thought you died!" he said
"It's ok now I'm ok. So who's your friend?" I asked looking back at the boy.
He had greasy, shaggy brown hair. He has one eye a bright green and the other was stormy grey. He was wearing light blue jeans, light grey T-shirt and black sneakers.
"His name is Foíniox. He's looking for his sister Jewel." Light said.
I nodded my head and walked up to Foíniox.
"Hi my names Tina. It's very nice to meet you. The guy in the yellow jacket is Hige. The girl in the black jacket is Blu. The other girl that has blond hair is Lilly. The other guy that has the scar on his chest is Tsume and the boy over there in the reddish brownish jacket it Toboe." I said pointing to each of them as I said they're names.
"It's very nice to meet you too Tina. And y'all guys. I was wondering if I can join your pack?" Foíniox said scratching his cheek with his pointer finger.
"No way that boy is joining us" Tsume growled showing his fangs.
"Yes he is." I growled back walking up to him. I was so close that I was centimeters away from his lips.
"You want to fight" Tsume said pushing me. I didn't even budge. I took a fighting stance and was wanting to beat the living day light out of him.
"Cheza told me to help and take in other wolves so we can be safer and so we can help them. And maybe much more I don't know. I woke up before she said any more!" I yelled looking at him with pleading eyes.
"I don't care. What if he tries to back stab us then what will we do?" he yelled back.
"If that happens. I'll deal with it. I'll take responsibility for it if it happens." I said reasonably. I saw Tsume think everything through and sighed.
"Fine. But if that happens. I'll kill you and that brat. " he said. I saw Foíniox flinch and saw his face was full of fear. And with that he walked off towards a rock and sat on it.
I stood up straight and turned around towards the others.
"So light. Did you find a forest?" Lilly asked looking at him.
"Yes I did. It's not far from here. Just follow me". Light said and flew off to the direction that the forest is at.
The others started following Light and started talking. I walked towards Foíniox that had his head down. I put an assuring hand on his shoulder. He jumped alittle and looked at me. He was a few inches shorter then me so he had to look up a bit. I smiled at him and motioned him to walk with me. He nodded his head and started walking on my right side.
"Don't mind Tsume. He has trust issues. And I don't blame him since what happened to him and his last pack." I said remembering what happened. The nobles found his pack and started killing every one of his friends. He ran away from the fight and was punished by his alpha and was left to die. That's how he got that scar on his chest. I sighed and looked at Foíniox and saw he was staring at me.
"Um. Is there something wrong" I asked tilting my head to the side.
"N-no. It's nothing" he said looking down. I saw a faint shade of pink on his cheeks. I laughed. 'He's blushing! he looks cute when he blushes.' I thought to my self.
"Ok. Come on. We need to catch up with the others" I said
Foíniox nodded and we both broke out into full out running.
-10 minuets later-
" hey light. How much farther is it?" I heard Toboe ask.
"It's only a few yards away. I can see it from where I'm at." Light said.
I looked up cause I was looking down the whole time we were running and saw a forest. There were mountains and a waterfall. There were all types of trees and flowers there.
'I think that's were Cheza is at. I remember there were a lot of flowers.' I thought to my self.
I saw Foíniox looking at me again but instead of me asking him why. I just picked up my speed and got ahead of everybody.
"Tina wait up!" I heard Foíniox yell from behind me. But I didn't listen. I just kept running and running. As soon as I was in the forest I was hit with a strong scent of Lunar flowers. I smiled and turned around.
"Dang you run fast" Foíniox said as he gasped for air. I giggled and patted his back. I felt arms wrap around my shoulders and pull me into a hug. I turned around as saw Kiba hugging me.
"I bet you guys also smell Cheza right" I said
They all nodded they're heads.
"Come on. We need to get some rest. And tomorrow we can look for Cheza." Kiba said still
Hugging me.
"Ok" every one said minus Kiba. I sighed as I looked at Tsume. He was still mad from earlier. Oh god I want to hurt him so bad! but to me he's my friend. And friends are family to me. Hurt them I'll kill you. I looked away from Tsume and looked back to Kiba.
"I'll go find shelter an-" I didn't get to finish cause I felt pain in my heart. I screamed and fell to my knees. I felt someone catch me and held me in they're arms. I slowly felt my eyes feel heave. I coughed and I tasted something bitter. I reaches my hand and touched my mouth. I pulled my hand away and saw blood. My eyes widened and I felt the pain in my heart get worse. I cried out in pain and slowly started to see black dots. Then soon after I fell into a deep sleep......
What you guys think? I hope you guys loved this chapter. I worked really hard on it! and I want you guys to give a congrats to Crystalkeepers character Foíniox.
K. Oh and I want to tell you guys that my new book that I Said in one of the other chapters that I'm going to do a Naruto fan-fiction IS HERE!! It's called "Naruto characters and the Wolf girl" so please check that out.

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