The News

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 As I walked into the Library, I saw the Slenderman, Jeff, Hoodie, Masky, and few others sitting around a large table with Slendy at the head. Behind him was a cage that held a demonic looking black and blue dude. His arms were severed just below his shoulders and his arm was still there, jsut connected by some unseen force. the same goes for his leggs, severed below the waist. But, there was another severed part so there was a disc of his leg between his torso and legs. There was blue blood dried and fresh coming from the severed areas, but it didn't run down for long untill it dried. The demon had an eye on the back of each hand and on each of his legs above the knee. Also a large one on his chest. He had a mouth with jagged teeth on his neck, two above his eye on his chest and a big one on his back. He had black skin and black horns jutting out of the sides of his head.

"So nice of you to finally join us, Toby. Have a seat," Slenderman said.

I took a seat inbetween Hoodie and Jeff.

"I see you saw Shirai here behind me. He is a minion of Zalgo's we have captured." Slender gestured to Shirai behind him.

I nodded to the demon and he nodded back.

"Just so you know, you don't have to keep me in this cage. For one I can get out of it easily and I won't try and fight. No reason to. I don't want to be a part in this upcoming war."

This alarmed me. I stood. "War?" I asked, "no one told me there was going to be a fucking war here!"

"Calm down, child. We were getting there. Sit back down and wait patiently."

"Why didn't you tell me this before." I muttered as I sat down.

Slender heard me but ignored it. "So, let us get back to busness, shall we?"

Aparently this was a signal for others to talk, so Jeff stood and explained my question. "The day you died 16 1/2 years ago, we were ambushed by several of Zalgo's minions. It was me, you, and Laughing Jackgoing out to find a victom. Then they jumped us. There were 5 of them and only 3 of us. But we kicked their asses anyway! You should have seen LJ go comando after you-"

"Jeffery, don't get off topic here," Slender warned.

Jeff cleared his throat. "Sorry boss. Anyway, Shirai here," Jeff nodded to the creature in the cage, "says he has information that will help us figure out why Zalgo chose now to attack."

"I'll talk when you let me out of this damned cage," Shirai said crossly.

Slender nodded at The Cat Hunter and he went to the cage and muttered to Shirai "If you try and escape, we will recapture you and put you in a smaller, more uncomfortable cage."

The Cat Hunter opened the cage and Shirai stepped out of it and started to stretch. "Holy hell, that feels much better. Ah, where were we? Oh yes, the important information. To start with, Lor-" Shirai faultered, "Zalgo has gotten stronger and feels he's strong enough to fight for the ownership over the Human world. His thougths about your little band of 'protectors/serial killers' is that you have no right to claim that role."

At that, Jane stood up and nearly knocked her chair over, "Who the fuck does that creep think he is? The Creator of this world?!" she yelled.

"Yes, as a matter of fact," replied Shirai, "he thinks he is a decendent of the real Creator, due to all the power in his posession.":

Jane scoffed and sat back down and fummed in her chair. She wasn't the only one to be so pissed about this. Rouge and Jeff were arguing with eachother about if Zalgo really was a decendent of the Creator. Slender raised his hand and everyone shut up.

"This news is very disturbing, I understand. But we can't let these rumors get the best of us. Please resume your explanation, Shirai," Slender said.

"Thank you," Shirai continued. "You know what? I like you. I would switch sides if i could. But Zalgo could simply just unmake me as soon as he finds out where my loyalties lie. Anyway, he sent an arrogant group to go see what you all were up to and planing the night of the attack.

"Given the fact that they were thirsty for blood and felt invincible now that they were revealed to the human world, they decided to ambush the first CP's they saw. Which happened to be you two," he pointed to Jeff and me, "and that black and white man with the long arms. After they returned with no news of where your base was located. Zalgo nearly unmade all of them. But after they claimed to have encountered a pack of three of you and killed one of you, he reconsidered destroying them. Though he was stil pissed that all of his five minions died to three, as he likes to say, 'CrappyPastas'."

"Wait wait wait. Hold up there, Mr. Blue Blood. How does this account for the fact that they haven't attacked again for sixteen ye-"

"Sixteen and a half," Masky corrected.

"Right, sixteen and a half years?" I asked.

"Were they scared of LJ's rage attacks?" Jeff joked.

"No, they were not, Jeff The Killer. And sorry, I forgot that part. They havent attacked because they have been spying on you all and strategizing a plan to overthrow the world starting with the American government. Due to the fact that they are concidered the most powerful country."

"I can see how that would work out. It would have little chance of failing. Are they spying on us right at this moment?" Slender questioned.

Shirai closed all of his eyes for a minute or two then opened them and replied, "No, they are not. They are not aware of this safe house just yet. But they have come close to finding it. I'd suggest moving to a different locatoin soon."

"You tend to like to tell us a lot of useful informatioin, Shirai. So why are you telling us all this? Are you giving us false information?" The Cat Hunter accused.

"I assure you that you would notice if I was lieing to you."

"Then why are you telling us this?" The Cat Hunter asked again.

"I-," Shirai stopped, "I don't know, actually."

Several minutes passed of silence. It felt longer. Then I broke the silence. "Why don't you become a double agent?"

Everybody started laughing at my coment. Jeff punding on the table, Rouge fell in back to the floor with her chair, the Cat Hunter giggling madly under his mask which looked like a cry-laughing emoticon. Everyone was laughing eccept the Slenderman. Who seemed to be pondering my question thoughtfuly.

"Why don't you?" He asked. "Toby may be on to something. A double agent may level the field and give us an advantage. We could use information like this."

Jeff became dead serious. "What the fuck do you mean, Slendy? Having a Zalgo follower lisening to our conversations and possibly ratting us out to that horror Zalgo?"

Slender simply just nodded. Then Shirai spoke up. "That actually isn't a bad idea. I could tell Zalgo some useful yet unneccesary information to get on his good side and get in close. I will be with you all mainly but with him as well. It would work perfectly."

"Yeah, untill you are destroyed by him as soon as he finds out what you are doing," Jane warned.

"Oh I've wished to be unmade many many times. I've even pleaded to him a few times. But he never said yes. I would be greatful to be doing something useful for once in my unneccesary life."

"Then it's settled. We have a new addition to our ranks, Shirai. We will send you back to Zalgo and you will report what you have 'heard'. If you accept this rule, say I."

Nearly everyone, including me, said I. Mainly out of fear of the Slenderman. Only The Cat Hunter stayed silent.

 "Then it's settled. You are now a double agent, Shirai. Everyone can leave. Shirai and I have some information to share with eachother."  With that, Slender took hold of Shirai's shoulder and they both disapeared and everyone started to leave. I was the last to leave. 

I went straight to my room, ignoring the requests to stay and talk. Masky was generous and told people to leave me alone. So they reluctantly did. 

I entered my room and crashed on my bed. I was worn out. Even though I felt physically fine. Eventually my eye lids drifted shut and I slipped off to sleep.

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