The Escape

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Toby's POV:

"God damnit you two..." I muttered as I kicked at the hidden door to the attick. "Hey Slender! Open the fucking door before we are blown to pieces!" There were a few clicks of locks then the door swung open, nearly clipping Natalie's (Clockwork's) head.

"Where the hell have you been?!" Jane scolded. Noticing Rouge and Natalie passed out on my shoulders, she sighed and stepped out of the way for me to enter. I nodded to her as I did, hopping up the creaky steps two at a time.

I flopped the two on an old couch the released a cloud of dust. With a sigh, I sat in between the two and examined the musty attick. Cobwebs were everywhere. Even on the couch we were sitting on. The ceiling and walls were jagged, chizzled stone. The ceiling was shaped into a dome formation. Wooden pillars  2-3 feet thick were placed randomly to keep it from collapsing. Dinamite and wires were wrapped all around atleast half of them. There was old furniture and dusty chests strewn about in a lazy manor. The only light was from dim light bulbs and a few candles placed here and there. I noticed everyone was gathered around a large, round, splintered table with chairs and chests surrounding it. I stood and went in that direction.

"Ah, Mr. Rogers, I'm glad you were able to make it," The Slenderman said smoothly.

"Yeah yeah, I know. Blame those two for our tardiness," I sighed as i gestured over to Natalie and Rouge unconscious. Their clothes had small gashes in them and were bloody in some areas because of the debris from the door that was demolished by small Hellion army. A few spots were more soaked than others. My clothes were probably stained with their blood but I couldn't care less.

Slender chuckled, clearly excited for what is going to happen very soon. Crashes and crunches could be heard from downstairs. The Helloon Legion that came to eradicate us is having fun aparently. You could just hear the menacing laughter that came from the General and his soldiers. Aparently, that was the cue.

The Slenderman began to chuckle softly, eventually it grew into a laugh one would make when watching a cute kid. He must have been amplifying his audible thoughts downstairs for the crashes and lauhing stopped down there. "Well, thats simple, General FlameHand," he purred softly. The Hellion General must have been flipping his shit so Slender said, "No need to loose your composure, my good General. My name is the Slenderman. I see you got my, ah, invitation." Swiftly, he flipped a switch, causing the metal wall to fall into place, trapping the Legion in the mansion. We all sat back and enjoyed the show.

"I appreciate your coming. Now, you all shall be sent to the deepest depths of hell. Ta-ta!" The Legendary Slenderman quickly wrapedone of his apendages around everyone in the room, picked them up off the ground, and flipped one last switch, causing all the dinamite we set up to go off. Not even a milosecond after the bombs were triggered, we were all teleported to the Midwestern Mansion in Nebraska.

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