Welcome Back

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Wow. I never really realised how wimpy i was when I was Rogers. I thought I was going to piss and shit myself simultaniously!

I sat up and looked around. It was great to be back in a physical body. I stood and streatched. Atleast Rogers took great care of our body. Lean and strong. I lifted myshirt to look at my stomach. Yes! He had a six-pack. I don't even have to flex! Things were looking great.

I saw a glint in the corner of my eyes. I turned to see The Slenderman holding my hatchets. The newer one with a yellow handle and polished blade. And the older one with a wooden handle and a tarnished blade with chips in it. He was also holding  my cage mask and goggles. I walked to him and he hit me hard in the face with the back end of one of the hatchets. It didn't hurt at all. Then I remembered that I can't feel any pain.  I cackled "I guess I deserved that for being gone so long."

The Slenderman shook his head,"No, child. I needed to do that to bring you back to your old self. Remember why you wore the mask before?"

I remembered. I looked at him and smiled. It wasn't a normal smile one would make. The left side of my lips had no flesh. All that was visible were my shining, bloody teeth. The gash went like up all the way up to my cheek bone. The Slenderman handed me the mask and I put it on. Then I equipped my goggles. As i wa taking the hatchets out of his hands, I realised how good it felt to finally hold them again. I did a few attack stances with the hatchets. Then i heard a guy laughing behind me.

I spun around quickly and chucked a hatchet towards the laughing. The hatchet stuck in a tree right beside the guys head. He stopped laughing imediately. He looked at me and I saw his face. Permanitely bleached white and pulled tight from major scarring. He had eye lids, but they were charred and shriveled a bit. His hair was dark black and very messy and long. And his mouth. The most signature part of this guy's appearance. His lips were cut from ear to ear. A permanently carved smile in his face. The cuts looked jagged and were red.

"What the hell Toby?!" Jeff yelled, "you nearly took my head off!"

I chuckled, "Now what a shame that would have been, Jeff." I walked over to him and ripped the hatchet out of the tree. Thanks to the awakening of myself. I felt like a new born baby with all the strength in the world.

"C'mon,  the others really want to see you," Jeff told me. The Slenderman put a hand on each of our shoulders and said, " You go on ahead, Jeffery.  Me and Toby have catching up to do."

Jeff didn't like that but he nodded and shuffled back to the old house. I sat down on a chunk of wall and waited for Slendy. He stood in front of me and said. "You are probably wondering how you are here and not down with Zalgo. You were killed by one of his minions many years ago and you have been asleep, stuck in your previous state.

"The only way you were able to awaken was whenyou turned 16. Which you did this afternoon. I have been watching you, Toby. I have been watching since you were a young child. That is why you never felt alone. And now here you are, back and well. So, without without further a do. Welcome back Tcci Toby. Let's go see the others, shall we?"

Then he took hold of my arm. One second I was in an ancient curch, the next i was in middle of the living room of the house surrounded by my old friends.

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