3 Verses 5? Fair Fight!

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"Did you see the father's face?" Jeff laughed.

"Holy shit that was hilarious!" Laughing Jack answered cackling.

We were traveling through the woods on a joy killing-spree. We haven't killed a single person in a month!

We came out of the forest into a small clearing. Just then I heard a twig snapping. I held my arm out to stop Jeff and LJ.

"What is it Toby?" Jeff giggled. "Scared the brother will come back and hunt for us?"

I flicked him between the eyes. "I heard something."

"Pff hahaha," Jeff laughed.

Another twig snapped. "Ok, I definutely heard that one," LJ said.

Jeff wasn't buying it," You guys are terrable at acting. Lets just go." With that Jeff kept waking to the other side of the clearing. There was a sound of a tree being ripped out of the ground.

"Jeff! Watch out!" I yelled as a tree flew out of the woods in his direction. Jeff didnt see it because he turned around to look at us.

"Guys git it up! I'm not buyeaahhh!" LJ extended his arms and yanked Jeff towards us. The tree just missed Jeff. If not for LJ, Jeff would be dead.

"See what happens when you doubt us?!" LJ yelled.

"Yes. Yes I do," Jeff said flatly.

At that, 5 demons that I just KNEW were from Zalgo's palace of death energed from the foliage. One of then was small but looked as if he was very jittery.  Two of them looked more like warriors than the small one. One of them more mideval knight like and was carrying a huge scythe. The last one was a huge behemoth. Most likely the one who threw the tree.

We all got into our fighting stances. Jeff with his knives, LJ with his teeth, claws, and arms, and me with my hatchets.

They all came at us at once. Jeff, Jack, and I all just became blurs of blades and claws.

Jack killed the minion with the huge scythe with the help of Jeff. Jack also took out the jittery one which probably was a scout. He didn't kill them without getting hurt, he got a huge gash diagnally across his face

Jeff took out one of the warriors. The last warrior wad hanging back which we were glad about.

The behemoth bellowed something that was a mix between a really loud burp and a scream.

Jeff, Jack, and I surrounded the beast. Jack and I struck first after several swats from the behemoth.  Jack jumped up high and landed on it's back as I slid under it slicing by hatchet down its stomach. Black blood spilled out of the wound heavily. Along with the beast's guts and stomach.

The behemoth bellowed one last time and slumped to the ground and dissolved.

"Whoo!" Jeff yelled, "Take that you slithering scoundrel bitch Zalgo!"

Jack and I laughed at Jeff's enthusiasm for a good fight.

We started to keep walking when the huge scythe from the one minion that was holding came flying from the foliage, embedding its self deep, and I mean DEEP, into my side. I felt it cut through my kidneys, intestines, and stomach. I gasped and fell to my knees. I knew that I wasn't going to walk away from this wound. Not a chance.

Jeff and Jack turned and saw me in my knees with my midsection cut halfly. Jeff just stared. But Jack, Jack screamed and sent his expandable arms into the forest from where the scythe came from and tor the minion out from it. Jack screamed again even louder and started constricting his arms around the minion.  After the minion couldn't make a sound and was still bearily breathing, Jack ripped it in half at the chest.

The two halvs of the thing disintegrated as soon as they touched the ground. Jacks arms were covered in black, sizzling blood.

With the rest of my strength, I growled as loud as I can, which was surprisingly loud,  "Zalgo, here I come you mouthy tool."

Then, everything went completely black.

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