The Transformation

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I opened my eyes to see myself looking down at my body. 

"What the fu...?!" i yelped as i sudenly am flying upwards away form my body. I looked up to see the ceiling hurtling towards me. Or was it vice versa? I had no idea at that moment. I was a little too preoccupied with how much hitting the ceiling would hurt. I braced for the impact and squeezed my eyes shut.

I was like this for a while untill I decided to open my eyes because of the fact that I was still okay. I didn't even hear anything of the collision. There was a differemt sound though. Like a forest at night with the wind blowing. I opened my eyes too see the woods. Then I looked down to see that I was only head! Soon after, I realized that my body is still in the church. My head was just outside of it.

I looked around and saw, in the shadows, a teenaged guy who looked startlingly similar to myself. He looked up at me. He took a step foreward and I actually saw how similar we looked to each other. Nearly everything about him was a definition of me. Other then the lack of flesh on the left side of his mouth. He was wearing goggles, which I found odd but I didn't question him. He smiled and said, "Well well! Toby Rogers. Fancy meeting you here, friend."

I was silent for a while. Finally, I replied, "Yeah, pretty fancy, right?" 

I climbed out of the roof and sat down. "So how do we do this? Like, how do I let you take over my body? Do you just lie down in my body or do know...morph together or something?"

My comment made Toby crack up laughing, "Yeah we spoon eachother as we float down into your body. No I'll show you. Follow me." 

With that, he pushed away from the shadows and fell face first to the roof. But instead of face-planting on the roof, he fell straight through. I was impressed. So i tried to do the same. I stood up and tried to focus. I fell face first to the roof. I closed my eyes before impact but I don't feel a thing. So i open them. I fell through! I did it! Then I realse that I am falling from the top of a 20 foot tall ceiling in an ancient church. I added two to two and figure that this was going to hurt. A lot. So, for the second time in those past few minutes, I braced myself for impact.

I landed on the floor with a solid thud. It didn't hurt as much as i thought it would. In fact it didn't hurt at all. Which confused me but relieved me at that same time. I looked up to see Toby laughing his ass off next to my body. He lifts his goggles and wipes the tears out of his eyes, showing dark green eyes. MY dark green eyes. This was freaking me out on so manny levels. Finally, after a minute or two, he lowered his goggles back onto his face.

"Oh my fucking god, Rogers. That was too funny,"  he managed between random fits of laughter and ticks. "Alright. Ok. Whew! So, you want to get this over with, I'm guessing. Alright. Hold out your hands."

I do as he says and hold out my hands. He takes off his gloves to show his hands wraped in blody gauze. He takes my hands in his and we were like that for a while. I start to feel awkward. Holding hands with a serial killer for 10 minuts will do that to you. Then, there is a violent vibrating around us. Then green energy starts to crackle around us. It was subtle at first, then it incresed untill there are jaged bolts of energy shooting from us and passing through us.

Then the images, the memories, people, items, events, and much blood. Flooded into my brain. At this, I loosened my grip on Toby's hands a bit and say worriedly, "What the hell is going on, man!?"

He lookes at me and asnwers, "Whatever you do, DO. NOT. LET. GO. AND. DO. NOT. FIGHT. IT! If you fight it, we will be both sent down to Zalgo. And trust me, that is NOT fun. And your body will be incinerated. So niether of us will be coming back for a long time. So if you want to be tortured as Slendy was telling you back there, keep hold and let it happen."

I didn't want to die. I definutely didn't want to be tortred for eternity either. So I hold on highter and opened my mind up as open as humanly possible. Then i notice that Toby's figure was solidifying. I didn't notice that we were both tranclucent at the moment. Then I looked down at myself and saw I was fading. I was scared shitless, but I didn't dare resist and let go. My vision was getting foggy. My field of vision was decreasing aswell. Everything was disapearing little by little. I looked at Toby one last time in my life as a seperate soul. He smiled. Then images of the fire in the forest where Toby, no, where I became his third proxy. Everything went black. Then emotions, my personality, my being, came back. I remembered it all. I remembered how I died, who I was, what I did, who I knew. Everything. My name. I wasn't Toby Rogers anymore. Toby Rogers is long gone. I am Tcci Toby. The mysterious serial killer. 

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