Where am I...?

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I woke up with a soft light shining in my eyes. I looked around the room to see i was in a modern day bedroom. Closet, bed side desk, carpet, ceiling fan, shelves and a window that was boarded up. I was in a soft bed. I swung my feet over the edge of the bed and sat up. For several minutes I held my head in my hands for I have a roaring headache. Then, the door opened and someone walked in. I didn't look up at them because I didn't want to move my head in fear of making it hurt worse.

I felt them sit beside me on the bed and slip a tray in my lap. I opened my eyes to see waffles, an orange, and milk. I chuckled and looked at who was sitting beside me.

The smile on my face disapeared and I just stared at her. She was beautiful in a sinister yet peaceful way. Her right eye was a lime green was glowing softly. Her left eye was a simple clock, seemingly fitting perfectly in her eye socket.  Her hair was red and was long enough to just touch the small of her back. Her mouth looked as if they were cut from the sides, nearly reaching her ears. Her gruesom cuts were sown together in an X fassion  so that the corners of her mouth were together from top lip to the bottom. 

I didn't notice that I was staring for so long untill she blushed and asked. "What is it?"

I blinked, my face felt hot. I looked down at the food tray. "Nothing, thanks for the food. How'd you know i loved waffles?" I asked

"I just...took a guess," she replied. "The Slenderman wants to talk with you as soon as possible. Eat up then come one into the living room. He'll be waiting your arrival. See you in a few, Toby." With that she got up and walked out of the door.

I realised that I was starving so I attacked the waffles and orange, then downed the milk. Halfway through the glass of milk I realised. How'd she know my name? Parker probably told them. He tends to squeal when scared. And who is the Slenderman?

I finished the glass of milk and opened the door to the hallway. The long, eerie hallway had a door every 15 or so feet. I walked down the hall to a flight of stairs and started down them.

As I came to the bottom of the stairs I saw Parker sprawled on a couch in front of a firepace, snoring loudly. I looked past the couch and saw the girl who gave me breakfast sitting at a table talking to a guy in a yellow/orange jacket with the hoodie up. He seemed to be stiff and bearily moved. Unlike the girl, using her arms and hands a lot.

She saw me and smiled. "Hey Toby, this is Hoodie. Hoodie, this is-"

"My Name is Toby Rogers. I Turned 16 just this afternoon." I interrupted.

Hoodie turned around to face me. He had a black mask on, with red circles where his eyes would be and a red line drawn in a frown where his mouth would be.

"We know well who you are. But tell us, why did you come to the abandoned grocery store?" Hoodie asked in a high pitched, malfunctioning computer voice.

"Well, so my birthday happened, and it was supposed to be a great day. I mean, it's my sweet sixteen, for god's sake. But no, it was pretty bad. People said i was moody and was all in all not me.

"Then, to top it off, my jerk classmates dared me and my bestfriend, Parker," I gestured over to him on the couch, " to sleep a night in an abandoned Walmart parking lot as some sort of 'sixtten year old initiation ritual'. Said to be evacuated due to an insect infestation, the parking lot and Walmart are comletely empty and are one of the places you would mark as haunted. And, as a matter of fact, it is haunted. Or, so people said.

"Many people have come to that shell of a building and have been said to never return or, if they did return, they would be ranting on and on about strang entities. This is mainly why my "friendly" classmates told me and Parker to sleep a night. That about sum it all up for you?" I finished. I mentally beat myself up. I ALWAYS rambled on when i was nervous...never have gotten controll over that.

"Yes, it did, Mr. Rogers." Just then, a very tall, skinny man apeared in the doorway to the kitchen behind the girl. He had no face, and i recognized him immediately. "Y-you're Slenderman..." I studdered.

The figure nodded and faced his head towards the girl and Hoodie. They both nodded and got up and went upstairs. Then he looked at me. Inside my mind i heard him say "Hello, Toby. I can see that you are probably very confused. Follow me and you will get your answers."  He turned around and started to walk foreward. I had to jog to catch up with him.

"Where are we going?" I asked. 

"We are going to bring you back, Toby. You have been asleep and we need you back. Now more than ever."  the Slenderman said in my head.

This didn't answer my question but at the pace the scary story legend was walking, I didn't  need a billboard to tell me that he didn't want to talk anymore.

After a while of walking, we stopped at some sort of rundown church. The building was made of stone and it appeared as the roof caved in eons ago. The Slenderman turned to me and handed me at pair of clothes. A black t-shirt, some jeans, a faded green/brown jacket with a blue hoodie and stripes on the arms, and a belt that looked as if it was meant to holster something. 

I looked up at the Slenderman. "You want me to put these on?"

He nodded. "We were hoping that with these on, you will remember better. Do not try and resist him. He means good. If you resist, your soul will be sent to hell to be tortured for no reason. If you let him in and let him take controll of you fully, you will find you like him and that you agree with him on most everything. Just relax, open you mind to him, and wait. He'll come"

I was still very confused but I didn't argue. Well I couldn't anyway because Slenderman disapeared and after looking around, I guessed that he left to let me change. I put on the clothes and sat on a chunk of fallen ceiling. All of a sudden I felt a tingling in my head. Sorta like when your hand or foot is asleep and the blood is flowing back to it. It was an odd feeling. Then it spread from my head to my toes. When it finally stopped after seemingly forever, i noticed that i couldn't feel the pain of the jagged edges of the chuck of stone i was sttting on. I was pretty sure i wasn't Toby because i didn't know anything about him. Besides that he looks like me.

I lie down and closed my eyes. I try my best to open my mind up to Toby so he could take over my body like a zombie virus...ok i am not helping myself keep calm. I take A few deep breaths, and drifted off to sleep.

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