You've Fucked Up

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I woke up in the fight simulator chamber stiff. I sat up, and my back popped several times. I popped my neck to the left then to the right. I rolled mt neck and the cracks echoed in the chamber.  I continued with popping and cracking my back and stiff joints.

I sat in the chaber with my shoulders slumped. I knew I had to figure out how to apologise to Clockwork but I had no idea.

Then, I heard Rogers say in my mind, "Hug her."

I said out loud, "What if she stabs me in the back like she did here..."

"Dude,  that was her in her full fighting persona. You had it set on expert, just below Creepypasta Legend."

"But she wasn't just in fighting mode. She had the feeling of fear and worry."

"That was her strategy. She knows that about you. That you have a VERY soft spot for her. Plus, everyone feels fear and worry while fighting."

"I guess you're right, Rogers..."

"I'm basically you. I'm always right."

I chuckled at that. Rogers may be so fucking anoying with random coments, but he knows how to cheer me up in times like this.

"Thanks, man."

"Don't mention it."

I pulled my knees up and hugged them and looked at the indentations in the wall from where my hatchets hit when they missed their targets.

Either I drifted off while awake or I got deeply enveloped in my thoughts, because when I looked at the clock, 3 hours have passed bye.

Below the clock, I saw Jeff leaning against the window frame looking at me. I motioned him to enter. He nodded and entered.

"Having fun in here watching that wall?" he asked.

"You're missing out man, this shit is legit," I answered. He didn't laugh, grin, or even crack a smile.

"Why are you here anyway, Jeffy?" I asked to break the thickening silence.

"What did you say to Clockwork?" he demanded not too kindly.

I sighed and looked at my knees, "So many things I regret, man."

He sighed and stood in front of me with his arms crossed. I could feel his livid eyes burning a hole through my skull with his glare.

"What exactly did you say, Rogers," he said in his no-bull-shit voice.

I stood and looked at him, "She was worried about me. I asked her why she was worried and she said she saw me sneaking around. I was still immaturely pissed at how you all were ripped and ready to fight and I was beat by Jack.

"I accused her of having better things to do than to talk to me since she saw me sneaking around.

"She wasn't too happy with that coment so she said for me not to talk to her, even if i want to apologise."

Jeff shook his head, "You fucked up pretty bad, kid." He walked up to me, draped an arm around my shoulder and said, "What are you going to do?"

I was about to say something, but I thought about it. What was I going to do?

"I don't know, frankly," I said finally.

"Well think of something soon," he said, "because Clock is on her way here to give you a good beating."

Just then there was pounding on the window to the chamber. I looked over and saw it was Clockwork. Jeff patted me on the back and said, "Good luck, Rogers."

I sighed, put on a poker face, and walked to the door and exited the chamber. Before I even got the chance to nod to her, she cut me off, " You. Me. Sparring Ring. Now."

I nodded and she motioned for me to go first. I did without hesitation. I heard her heavy footsteps behind me.

I entered the ring and stood on one side of it as she stood at the other.

"Victory by knock out," she said. I nodded without a word.

There was a diing of the bell and Clockwork charged at me. I rolled out of the way, but she anticipated that and kicked me in my vulnerable side.

I grunted and sprang to my feet. She was on me like lighting. She roundhouse kicked me in the chest and I staggered back. She sprang up and kicked me in the temple.

I fell to a knee, rolling to the side when she tried to knee me in the chin. She threw a punch to my jaw. I ducked, went behind her, and elbowed her in the ribs.

She winced but wasn't fazed. She elbowed me in the neck. I coughed once and picked her up from behind. She started flailing her arms and legs, hitting me everywhere, even a few times in my bad side.

I ignored her flailing and slamed her onto the floor. She stayed still for a second then rolled onto her side. Pain and tiredness was on her face.

Still with my poker face on, I took a few steps back. She taunted weakly, "What, you're going to be a pussy and not knock me out? Do it!"

I just stood there with my arms crossed. She got up and tried to punch me in the face. I step sided and she fell to her knees. I walked in front of her with my hatchet in hand.

She looked at me, saw the hatchet, and whispered, "Do it."

I raised the hatchet up over my head so  the flat end of it would strike her instead of the sharp edge. She lowered her head.

We stayed like this for a few seconds. She got tired of waiting and yelled, "DO IT!"

I dropped my hatchet, fell to my knees, and hugged her tightly. She felt her go riggid, squirm a little, then give up. Slowly, I felt her hug me back. Holding my face to her neck, she said in a choking whisper, "Apology accepted."

Jeff joked from the outside of the ring, "Ugh, get a room you two."

We all chuckled at that remark.

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