The Invasion Starts

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I sat bolt right up. Frantically, my eyes searched the room for any sort of movement. Nothing was there.

Sitting up with my head in my hands, I thought of what I just witnessed. Was that a dream...or was I knocked out. I felt my side and wasn't surprised to see there was no blood on my hand once I pulled it away. So I wasn't knocked out. Must have been a dream..

Tired of debating whether what just happened was or wasn't a dream, I swung my legs over the bed and onto the floor.

With a twitch or two, I lowered my mask and raised my goggles and rubbed my face.

The door to my room opened and Jeff poked his head in the room, "Yo Tobester," he said with a very slight hint of worry he was trying to hide, "you alright man?" I replied with a loud groan.

"Okay cool I take that as a good thing."

"Yeah, J-jeff. I'm fucking pe-errfect."

"Great, we need your help man. Get out of bed and help us with this."

He shut the door right as my hatchet barried its self in the door where his head was. He poked his head back in the room chuckling, "That one almost got me! Haha!"

I chucked my other hatchet and he hid behind the door again. There was a yelp from behind it.

"YOU NEARLY TOOK MY EYE OUT YOU ASSHAT!!!!" He yelled from behind the door.

"GOOD!" I replied.

There were foot steps cometing down the hallway. Suddenly, there was a sickening thunk.  I got up, went to the door, riped my hatchets out of the door,  and got ready to attack.

Before I touched the door handle, it swung open. Who was behind it shocked me, but I didn't show it.

Rake smiled and tilted his head, "Hello~ Toby."

With a blank face,  I examined him. Just like in my dream, he had irisis and they were blood red.

"What do you want, Rake," I spat his word out as if it were a sickening candy.

"Tsk tsk, relax Toby. I'm just here to give a fair warning from the all mighty Lord Zalgo. He told me to tell you that he plans on sending waves of minions into the human world. 'When this will happen?' you might ask? Well, i'll give you a hint. It already has!" Cackling, Rake dissapeared into pitch black smoke and was absorbed into the ground.

I stood there for a while letting what Rake said sink in. I HAD to tell Slender and the other about this. But before i could do that, i had to help Jeff's unconcious ass off the floor.

With a grunt, I slung Jeff over my shoulder and carried him to the infermary.


As i stepped out of the Infermary, Slender stopped me and motioned for me to follow him. Without a word I followed him to the main library where we held meetings. Cat Hunter, Shirai, Rouge, and all the other stratagists we have were already there. 

As soon as i stepped into the room they exploded with questions. Slender simply raised a hand and they mumbled things and sat down without another word.

"I understand that you all are confused at why you are here," he announced. "Young Mr. Rogers here has important news to tell us."

How Slender knew that was beyond me but I've learned not to question him on how limited his omnipotence is. "Yeah, it's something of importance i guess." 

"You guess?!" Cat Hunter growled. "How can you guess somethign is of importance?!" I just looked at him and he sat down simmering in his seat.

"Just to make this clear, I was being ironic about the importance of this. This shit is VERY FUCKING important. Okay?

I recently got word from an..." I didn't want to tell them about Rake coming back to life on Zalgo's side since that was preposturous,"anonymous source that Zalgo has already sent out his minions into the human world."

"Why should we believe you?" Rogue questioned with her feet up on the table and leaning on the back legs of her chair.

"Because i don't sit in trees all day and listen to the squirrels and birds and actually pay attention to the words being said around me," I replied. Before she was able to get her front chair legs on the ground to say something back, Slender interrupted. "Did you happen to obtain any details such as time, numbers, and/or weapons?"

"I was not given that type of information, sir."

"Very well. Thank you Mr. Rogers," Sleder turned to the CPs at the table. "Does anyone have an idea they want to offer for us to use as a strategy to keep Zalgo's minions at bey?"

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