A Confusing Day

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"I've set up invisible motion sensors and video cameras around the inside, outside, and parameter of the entire mansion," The Slenderman explained to the group of us around the meeting table. "That should give us an advantage over their element of sirprise."

There was a murmer of agreement that swept around the table. All except from me. I felt Clockwork's stare on me but I continued to look at my clasped hands on the table.

"All who oppose this idea or have other suggestions on prem, speak now, or loose your chance," Slender continued. There was silence and a few coughs in reply. "It's settled then. You are all dismissed."

I was the first out the door. As I was walking to my room, I cought a glimps of something that looked like the Rake's back legs go around a corner ahead of me. I jogged around the corner and saw his legs disapear around the next corner. I followed anf I was met with the Rake's room.

The door was open, but I felt as if I was intruding. Curiosity got the best of me and I entered the room.

I didn't even try to keep my composure. Tere were claw marks all over the walls and floor. The sheets were shredded and shaped into a pile with a Rake-sized indention in it.

Hesitately, I willed my legs to walk up to the bed. I layed a hand on the edge of the indention in the pile of shredded sheets.

It was warm...

I heard a scratching sound and whipped around to see who made the sound in hope it was The Rake.

"Oh..." I said, "hey Smile." Smile whimpered. His usual constant grin was wiped away and replaced with a teethless frown. His eyes were glistening and on the verge of tears. With a sigh, I went to him and hugged him. "I miss him too, buddy."

"Who are you talking about...?" he said between sniffs.

"Wait why are you sad?" I asked confused.

"Rake hurt my leg..." he lifted up his front right leg and there was three deep gashes in them.

"Oh my god, Smile. We need to get you to Slender!" I picked him up and he didn't complain.

Suddenly the sound of knives being dragged across the floor filled the room. spun around and nothing was there. I set Smile down and slowly walked towards the bed. My face and hands were ticking like crazy. Then door to the door to the room slammed shut. I quickly turned to the door and attempted to open the door. It didn't budge. Then I noticed Smile wasn't sitting in front of the door.

The sound of cracking bones and ripping flesh came from behind. I turned slowly to see The Rake eating Smile's motionless body. His stomach was sliced open and his ribs were visible.

"Rake what the f-f-FUCKING hell are you doin-g?!" I yelled between twitches. His head snapped up. When he saw me his pupils, which enveloped his whole eyes when he kills, shrunk to their normal dime size. I noticed his irisis were blood red.

He didn't have irisis.

Suddenly his pupils enveloped his eyes again and he lunged at me right as my biggest twitching occured, rendering e defenseless.

Just as his blade like claws embeded themselvs in my vulnerable side, I blacked out from the pain.

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