The Successful Assasination

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I woke up in the middle of the night to nothing. Scratching my head, I thought, "What made me wake up?"

Suddenly I heard the clanking and crashing of plates and pans in the kitchen.

Curious, I got out of bed, put on my goggles and clothes,  and snuck quietly downstairs.

As I was nearing the stairs, I felt someone grab me by the shoulder. I turned around quickly and saw it was Parker.

"What are you doing up at this time, Parker?" I whispered to him.

"I woke up to a loud noise from what spunded like the kitchen and I wanted to check it out," he replied in a hushed whisper.

"Are you sure you would be able to take on who or what this thing might be?"

"Confident," he said as he pulled up his sleeve and flexed his bicep. The thing was the nearly as big as a mango.

"Well fuck yes you are strong enough," I said sort of dumbstruck, "but can you move fast enough and fight with precision?"

With surprising speed, Parker twisted mw around and put me in a tight headlock. I jabbed him in the gut with my elbow but he didn't budge. I tapped his arm and he let go.

"Alright, you've got skill. Now let's go," I said sort of hoarsley.

We crept down the stairs noislessly. There were a several more crashes and clanks of plates and pans. I motioned for him to stop when we got close to the door. Ever so quietly, I opened the door slightly and peerd on.

Inside I saw was one of Zalgo's minions covered in a black cloak and mask. On the floor, plates, silverware, and may other things were scattered around the kitchen.

The grunt was searching for something. What it was I wasn't sure. Then I boticed several knives stuck in the minion's belt and realised it was probably searching for weapons.

Wow these things are idiots. We have a weapons room for god fucking sake.

I remembered that Jeff always stole knives from the kitchen and stashed them. We always have to ask him for a knife when we're going to cook something.

Just as I was going to relay the news to Parker, I saw a figure on the floor. The body was naked and a pale tan color. I saw that the figure was holding a bunch of knives and then it hit me.

It was the body of the Rake.

There was a pool of blood surrounding the Rake. I saw a long, deep gash in his chest.

Enraged, I burst through the door and chucked one of my hatchets at the minion and it stuck the thing in the shoulder. With a thump and a choked screech, it fell to the floor and didnt bother to move.

Parker skidded in and saw the carnage. "Oh my god, Rake," he gasped.

I said nothing but walked up to him and kneeled next to him. I was in the middle of the blood but I didn't care. I put my finger under his chin to feel for a heart beat.

There was none.

"SLENDERMAN!!!" I screamed.

Within seconds, Slender appeared infront of me and Rake's body.

"What is it, chi...!" he was saying in an annoyd voice but they saw the Rake's motionless corpse. "Oh my," he said stunned.

Parker's hand fell onto my shoulder. He didn't say a word. I was thankful for that.

The Rake was always so kind to me and was so easy to joke around with We were near inseparable for a long time. Before I was killed, I begged Jeff and LJ to let Rake to come. They said no because when he got near blood, he became very greedy with the kill.

Now, he was gone. Killed like I by the hands of Zalgo.

Everything became muffled and distant as I looked at the Rake's lifeless, limp body. I heard the doors to the kitchen open, followed by several choking sobs and gasps. My eyes never differed from the Rake. I felt someone hug me. I guess it was Clockwork? I dont know.

I remembered Zalgo's grunt who I hit with my hatchet. I walked over to it and looked down upon the little shit. Its chest was still rising and falling.

I put my foot on its chest, gripped the hatchet, and pulled it free. The thing wimpered loudly. I heard Slender say in my mind, "Don't do it child. We can gather valuble information from this prisoner."

I ignored him and raised the hatchet up. By this time, Slender was angry, "Do not do it, Toby Rogers!! Do not kill it!!".

Again, ignoring him, I brought my hatchet down on the minions head. The hatchet split the head in half and burried its self in the floor. I left it there.

I stood stiffly and walked out of the kitchen, not looking at anyone, just straight ahead. I walked straight outside into the darkness. I kept walking. I heard muffled foot steps and someone calling my name.

I pulled out my other hatchet and continued walking. Someone took hold of my shoulder but I shrugged them off.

Suddenly, everything became clear to my ears. "Toby calm down!" I heard Clockwork say. Tears started to fill my goggles and i was twitching madly.

After several more similar requests, i got angry. I screamed, gripped my hatchet with both hands, and swung at the nearest tree. The hatchet cut clean through the tree.

I  dropped my hatchet, fell to my hands and knees still twitching, and screamed again. I threw my goggles off and let the tears flow.

I heard Clock fall to her knees next to me. She huged me tightly, whispering, "It's okay. Shhh. It's alright."

This went on untill sunrise. By then my throught was raw and my eyes were puffy and red.

Clock helped me up and assisted me, yet again, to my room. As we were walking I got myself together enough to say, "Almost like deja vu, isn't it?"

She sooshed me and tried not to crack a smile. I smiled weakly and we kept on walking.

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