2- And Galra Abduction

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|Word count- 1355

Warnings- Mild swearing

Y/n/n- Your nickname

You and Pidge had to cut off your conversation when Lance stated they had to get going; you two were only just starting on the topic on how you got the idea for Horizon and Elysian.

Pidge had waved at you and sent a warm smile, which caused your heart to beat ever so faster and your cheeks to flush lightly.

After the two had left, you climbed over the counter like you'd done for a while now and stood at Will's side.

You two watched them walk off before they turned a corner and disappeared out of sight. Will didn't say anything and neither did you, but you knew he was going to say something about you and Pidge.

"Someone's in love!" Will sing songs, nudging you with his elbow and raising both eyebrows.

You flush red and wrap your arms around yourself. "Will, no, I'm not. And love is a strong word. I'd use 'like' or 'small attraction."

He rolls his eyes and smirks. "Sure."

You don't say anything on the subject. You weren't in love with her, but you what you felt for her was over 'like.' You liked her smile and her laugh and how compassionate she was about technology. She talked about it like it was the most amazing thing in the world, and to both of you, it was.

"You're thinking about her aren't you?"


He laughs.

"You only meet her once."

"Yeah, well, that doesn't mean I can't like her right?"

You turn your body to face him, a smirk pulling at your lips and arms folded over your chest. He turns his head and looks at you with his own smirk.

"So you admit it?"

"Hell yeah."


Your shift was over now, finally, and so was Will's, so you two decided to go for a walk around the mall. Will would tease you every once and awhile, but it was always small, like 'She was cute wasn't she?' or 'She had a nice sense of humor am I right?'

You placed your hands in the pockets of your jeans and looked at Will. "Will, do you think I'll see Pidge again?"

He thinks about it for a moment. "I don't know Y/n/n."

You nod. Pidge had only just left nearly two hours ago, and you already missed her. You loved her company just as much as you loved building stuff; maybe even a little bit more.

You liked her a lot, even only after meeting her once and Will knew this. You liked her and he was determined to get you and Pidge together; he hardcore shipped it, and he was pretty sure Lance did too.

"Y/n/n, what would you do if you did see her again?" Will asks as you look at him.

"I'd be really, and I mean, really happy and I'd probably hug her, but that might be weird." you gesture with your hands wildly. Your cheeks turn a light pink and your stomach feels with butterflies.

Will smiles as he keeps asking you question after question of things that just popped into his head at random. You answered them as quick as he asked them and soon he had to think hard for a question he may have already asked. You enjoyed it and you wanted it to last longer, but alas, things didn't always go as wished.

A few yards away, hiding behind a corner, were two Galra soldiers, sent there when someone reported seeing the 'Paladins of Voltron' casually strolling around. They found you two instead, conversing with two of them and decided they'd take you two in for questioning.

You and Will were well unaware of the Galra soldiers cautiously making their way towards you. You and Will were too occupied talking with one another and laughing at each other's horrible attempt at jokes to notice. That was until they had got you to turn a corner and corner you.

"Shit." you had whispered to Will when you turned around.

The Galra where a sore subject with Will. His parents were killed by the Galra Empire when he was young and he hated them ever since. You didn't know how they died, but because Will flinched whenever a gun went off, you had a pretty good idea on how they lost there lives.

"Come easily and we will not hurt you." one states as Will steps protectively in front of you. This one was a blue-ish purple, unlike his partner.

Your stomach was twisted with fear and you hoped you'd get out of this unscathed-or in in worse case scenario, alive.

Will glares daggers at the two, and if looks could kill, they'd be dead on the floor by now. "Get the hell away from us you bastards."

Speaking to anyone of the Galra Empire that way was sure to get you killed, but the Galra in front of you simply smiled and shoved it off.

"Come with us." the other states, voice calm. This one had a scar across his right eye and was purple like most. You clench your jaw and step out from behind Will. You give them a glowering look as wished you could grab Will by the hand and run without getting tackled.

"No." you spit out, curling your hands into fists. Will looks at you with worry, and you look at him with a nod. His eyes were a dark green and they stormed with anger. He looks back at the two and his glare deepens.

"Very well then."

They take you down like it was nothing. You tried, yes, but they were stronger and they had more physical training then you and Will had ever had.

Will lay next to you, head shoved into the ground. His lip was bleeding and a bruise was beginning to form over his left eye. Your head throbbed and you found it hard to breathe from the Galra holding you down.

"Bastards." you hiss before you're hit in the head with the butt of a gun.


You awoke in a dark room, hands bound in your lap. Your legs were bound together as well and your mouth was gagged.

You could hazily make out outlines of boxes and Will's form across from you in the darkness.

Will was still unconscious and his head hung lazily to the side like how someone looked when they fell asleep in a car. His hands and legs were tied much like yours and his mouth was gagged as well.

"Let us go!" you tried to scream, but all that came out was a mess of muffled words. Your only answer was the darkness' silence.

Furious, you scream again and again. You slam your legs against the cold metal floor you sat on over and over, trying to get someone's attention. They hurt after the first two slams, but you didn't stop.

After useless attempts, you stop trying and lean your head against the wall behind you and thoughts of everyone you've ever cared about and people you've loved and moments from every day of your life flood through your head.

Tears began to well in your eyes as you thought about them even more and eventually, they did fall.

Pidge is one of them and you only pray to God that she and Lance are okay. You can't have her injury on your conscience.

It's those people in your life that you have an instant connection to when you meet them because you feel like you found someone who understands things no one else really does.

Chapter two and there's already some an abduction! I hope you guys liked this one and I'm really proud of it! Thank you guys for all the votes and comments and reads! See you guys next chapter and have a great day/night!

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