3- We need to help them

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*Pidge when she's arguing with Keith*

|Word count- 1826

Warnings- Mild(?) swearing, mentions of torture(??)

"Up!" a voice barks, causing you to jerk up, which in turn caused pain to shoot through your neck. You groan in slight pain, but shut yourself up when you hear shuffling and grunts.

Someone crouches down in front of you and begins to untie your leg bindings. As soon as they untied your legs, you kicked as hard as you could. The person, or Galra, fell backward with a yell as you struggled to stand up. You made it all the way to your knees before your head was hit yet again and you fell forwards onto the ground.


3rd person PV

"We need to help them!" Pidge exclaims angrily as she looks at her fellow teammates.

"Pidge, I know you care about them, but we can't risk dying over two people you just met!" Keith exclaims, stepping closer.

Pidge was furious. She may have already just met them, but they meant a lot to her, and she wasn't just going to let them die.

"Who gives a shit if I just met them, Keith! I-I" -her voice breaks at the thought of their deaths- "I-I can't have his or her death on my conscience."

Everyone in the room was silent. No one spoke, no one moved. It was completely obvious to everyone, except Pidge, that Y/n meant a lot to her, even only after meeting her once.

"Pidge-" Keith starts, but Shiro holds up a hand, silencing him.

He puts his hand down and looks between his friends. "Pidge is right. We may not know them as well as Pidge and Lance, but we help people because we know that's what's right."

Tears welled up in Pidge's eyes as she rushed up and hugged the black paladin. "Thank you, thank you so much."

He hugged her back with a caring smile. She pulls away and smiles up at him. Her tears were gone now, but if anything else happened, she might start crying.

Shiro turns his back to her and she walks to stand by his side. "Everyone, get ready."


Your PV

Pain filled your entire body as you tried to stand up. Your lip was bleeding by the taste of it when you licked them and your head was throbbing. Will sat against the wall, arms resting on his knees as he looked at you.

"Y/n, sit down or you might fall. We've only been here like half a day and you've already managed to piss them off." Will states as you try to take a step forward. You hiss as a slight pain shots up your left leg. One of the Galra soldiers had kicked you in your left leg as payback for kicking them in the jaw; you didn't regret it one bit.

You slowly limped to the wall and leaned your back against it. You slid down until you reached the floor, the cold metal sending a chill through your spine. You criss-cross your legs and lay your hands in your lap as you lean your head back against the wall.

You sigh. "Will, what if we're stuck here for the rest of our lives?"

"Y/n, don't say that. We will get out... Somehow." he says. His tone was serious and angry, but that was understandable.

You laugh. "That's sounds so cliche."

He laughs too and nods. "Yeah, I know."

He closes his eyes and leans his head forward so his chin touches his chest. His hair falls in front of his face and he sighs.

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