13- Romantic Confrontation-Pt 1

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*again, not the usual gif, but it pretty much sums up this chapter*

|Word count- 1628

Warnings-  mild swearing, and mild gay heart attack

You peeked out into the darkened hall way, the only light being the glowing pillars. Horizon nudged you and you stumbled into the hall. The door slide shut behind you as you turned around, seeing no sign of the floating robot.

"This was a really stupid idea," you muttered.

"What was a stupid idea?" a voice asks from behind you. You jerk around with a  scream in surprise as you jump off the ground.

"Ahh! Shit! Lance, you scared me!" You yelled quietly, a hand on each knee as you bent forward slightly. Lance gave a small laugh as he bent down to the side and caught your gaze.

"Sorry, Y/n, that wasn't my intention. But it was kind of funny," he chuckled as you stood up straight.

"For you, yes, but me? No," you said bluntly, but a hint of a smile pulled at your lips.

"So, what are you doing?" he asks, rolling on the balls of his feet.

"Confessing to Pidge," you state, not batting an eye as you began your tread down the hall. Lance was stunned at your tone and how you stayed so chill, but he ran after you after regaining his composure.

"Wait, what?" he asks.

"I'm telling Pidge I like her," you state in the same tone once again. Lance looked utterly bewildered, mouth agape.

"Ho-what- you..." Lance trailed, causing you to laugh. You stopped as Lance moved to stand in front of you, a look of pure bewilderment on his face.

You crossed your arms over your chest and looked up at Lance, waiting for his response.

"How-how do you have so much courage?" Lance asks, gripping your shoulders. You laugh and shrug.

"Better to get it over with then wait and have the anxiety kill you," you spoke. Lance paused before slowly nodding in agreement, but his face held a questioning look.

"You're confused aren't you?" you asked and he nodded quickly. You chuckled before starting to walk again and gesturing for Lance to follow you.

He followed you hurriedly, and you laughed as he skipped along next to you.

It took you little to no time to reach Pidge's room and your stomach had begun to twist into knots. Maybe this was bad idea, maybe you should just turn around and go back to your room.

Yeah, that sounded like a good idea.

Lance seemed to notice your hesitation, and his response was to shove you straight into Pidge's room and bolt away, yelling a sorry before he disappeared around the conner.

You landed on the floor with a thud and cursed out in pain. Pidge, not expecting such a sudden entry, jumped from where she rested on her bed. Her laptop landed on the cushions with a soft thump and you pushed yourself from the ground, holding your head in one hand and laying on all fours.

"Y/n! Why did you do that?" Pidge asked, getting off her bed and helping you up from the floor.

"It wasn't my fault! Blame Lance, he shoved me!" You exclaimed and Pidge only gave a small laugh before plopping back down on her bed.

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