17- Secret Convos and Sweet Returns

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*pidge introducing Matt to everyone*

|Word count- 1278

|Warnings- like, really far ahead time skip in the beginning, also short, also winging it with not doing exact dialogue lmaoo, and not really edited

You saw Pidge off, watching as her lion flew from the hanger and into the star littered sky. The wind pushed against you, and your hair flew every which way. Of course you'd said your own personal goodbyes beforehand, and you were glad you did, but you already missed Pidge more each passing second. Will placed a hand onto your shoulder and gave you a small, comforting smile.

She was looking for her family and you hoped so badly that she finds them.


Despite wanting to fill bored, Will kept you on your feet and happy. The other paladins were in training, and you had nothing to do. But, regardless whether Pidge was here or not, she'd be doing the same training and you wouldn't see her anyway. God, you missed her a lot and she hasn't even been gone a whole three hours yet.

With a bored huff, you pushed off your bed, feeling your legs ache from the long hours spent laying on your comforter, staring at the metal ceiling. After exiting your room and peering down the long corridor, you decided for a snack.

The metal floor was cold under your feet, and chills ran up your spine, goosebumps erupting across your skin. Silence echoed around you, bouncing off walls and passing through walls; you began to wonder where everyone was.

You slowly began to hear muffled and rushed sentences, the voices sounding familiar to your ears. You slowed your pace and pushed your body closer to the wall, and soon you came upon the door to the lounge. Allura's rushed voice is heard from the opposite side of the door, and judging from the number of words from her uninterrupted rant, she must've been alone. But a sudden voice stops your thought short.

"Yes, Allura, I'm aware that you're suspicious of Y/n, and I admit I am too, but she's risked her life for us, and on numerous occasions, "Shiro's voice was strained as if he was holding back more then what he was letting on.

Allura must've nodded cause he continues. "But she hasn't told us much about her heritage. Even Will has said more, and he doesn't even know his own parents. And she's seemed more, reserved, lately,"

The words stung, you'd admit that much. Your arms pressed into your sides and you crossed your arms tightly against your chest, wanting to disappear from existence right then and there.

"Shiro, we need to know where she comes from. Why would the Galra attack her and Will,  with no idea that one was altean? She hasn't even mentioned her parents, Shiro!" Allura sound panicked, as if ever the possible situation was playing through her head on repeat.

"We need to find out her heritage and soon, before anything bad happens," Shiro's demeanor seemed to snap into a different one entirely. His voice became hard and his tone stern. You could only imagine his face, and it sent your heart racing in panic.

"Well, I'm glad we have come to the same conclusion. I must go help Coran, so I will see you around, Shiro," Allura speaks, apparently done with the conversation.

Footsteps started to sound closer to the door and you panicked, turning on your heel and bounding away. You slowed to a halt as the door slide open and Allura stepped out.

You kept your back turned as your arms wrapped protectively around yourself and walked away, suddenly not feeling hungry anymore.


If had maybe taken half a day before Pidge reported back to the castle with good news. You stood next to Will, far off from Shiro and Allura. You hadn't meant to be so distant from them, and you would regret putting little effort into the conversation they had with you, but you didn't know how to go about the fact that they didn't trust you.

As the green lion touched down, you let all negativity fall from your head and you watched eagerly for the green paladin to step out of her lion, and with her brother in tow.

She stepped out and practically bounced with positive energy. Her smile was almost to her ears and your lips crinkled into a smile. Will nudged you with his shoulder and gave you a smug look, his eyes practically reading, "we need to catch up, i have some questions."

You blushed and shook your head, but you knew this would happen eventually. Pushing the event from your head as you watched what you believed to be Pidge's brother follow her from the lion. He looked nearly identical to Pidge, with the same eyes and that small sparkle of wonder Pidge always had. His hair was a slightly lighter color then hers, but you came to the conclusion that if you weren't as gay as you were, you might've fallen for him.

A small snicker passes your lips, but no one hears except you, which you are quite thankful for.

"Guys, this is my brother, Matt." Pidge stands firmly next to her brother's side and gestures to him with her armored hand. He waves happily at you all standing together before his gaze snaps to Allura.

"Oh my... oh my!" he exclaims, running forward and falling to his knees in front of her. She flinches and takes a step back in surprise.

"You're so beautiful! Where have you been my whole life?" he smirked, his eyes shining with a glee you'd never seen before. Allura blushed and you peeked around to find Lance glaring daggers into Matt's head.

'jealousy thy name lance' you thought with a snicker.

Pidge seems to hear your small snicker and turns to you, a smile dancing on her lips. You felt her gaze on you and turned, heat biting the tips of your ears.

You wave shyly and she nods back.

You hadn't noticed Matt hug, Shiro, tightly, but you looked just in time to see them part. You didn't know the full story of their ordeal, but you suspected they went through it together.

Matt said hello to the others and finally stopped at you and Will. He eyed you once over and stopped in your eyes, staring. You shuffled nervously under his gaze.

"Have we met before?" he asked, tilting his head to the side. You'd admit he looked strangely familiar, but not in the way that he and Pidge looked similar. No, you've seen him before, but younger and with no scar.

You shook your head hastily, throwing the thought away and holding out your hand. "I-I'm Y/n."

He smiles, but it feels forced. "Nice to meet you, Y/n."

He moves over to Will, who stands to your left, and shakes his hand, taking note of Will's green markings under his eyes. "You're..."

"Altean. Same with Coran and Allura," Will speaks with a nod in the direction of the pair, getting confused looks from both.

"It was really nice to meet all of you, but does anyone have some food?"

holy fuck, guys, i hate myself so much
i haven't updated in a shit ton of time and that's no way to treat people who got me this far. 100 followers, 16.4k reads, and 420 (; votes? guys i-i really appreciate it, omfg. you guys are amazing. thank you.


in honor of 101 followers, imma do a Q&A cause why the hell not(hopefully i get some lmaooo). ask questions in the comments!

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